Halloween Special

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I know it's really late but I couldn't finish it up sooner. Happy Halloween! :D

The picture is what the GoM and Rin wore for costumes! XD and it's edited by muwah! :3



Rrring. Rrrrring. Rin had woken up to the sound of her phone ringing. She groaned as the ray of light touched her skin.

Getting up to a seating position, the blonde female picked up her phone and found that the caller was unidentified. 'Who could it be?' She asked herself as she clicked on the green accept button.

"Hello?" She hesitantly answered the unknown caller.

"Ah! Rincchi, ohayou ssu~. (Good morning)." The caller greeted.

From the cheery tone she heard, and nickname that she was called by, she knew it could only be the basketball playing model, Kise Ryouta.

"Ryou-kun! Good morning!" She cheerfully replied as a smile played on her lips.

"How are you?" He asked as Rin heard noise from the other line, probably the sound of traffic. "I'm good, you?" Getting off her bed, the magenta eyed girl started fixing up her bed, supporting the phone to her ear with her right shoulder.

"I'm great!" She heard the blond model gleefully chuckle.

"Umm... By the way, Ryou-kun..." She started as she stared out her window. "What is it, Rincchi?" He asked.

"Just where did you get my phone number from?" She curiously inquired.

"Oh! Well, I asked Kurokocchi for it, but he hung up on me. So I called Kagamicchi to get it from him. But... " His lower lip started to tremble as he recalled the recent event. "HE YELLED AT ME THEN BLOCKED MY NUMBER!" He cried out loud causing Rin to remove the electronic device away from her ear. "So I kept on calling Kurokocchi and he eventually answered and gave me your number!" He explained, turning back to his usual cheerful and loud tone.

"I see... So, is there anything you need?" She asked again.

"Hai! (Yes!)"  He happily beamed.

Time skip >>>

"Huuuuuuuh?! What are you two doing here?!" Kagami yelled as he pointed his index finger at the couple of blondes standing outside of his apartment. "Just let us in!" Rin whined, holding bags of decorations.

"Kagamicchi, hurry up!" Kise pushed him to the side and got in, followed by the much shorter female.

"OI!" He angrily yelled at the people who started setting decorations around his apartment. "What are you doing?!"

"Kagamicchi, lower your voice. You're going to annoy the neighbors." Kise softly scolded the red head.

"We're throwing a Halloween costume party!" Rin happily chirped.

"A Halloween party?" Kagami repeated, slightly tilting his head to the side. "Yup!" The two blondes excitedly nodded. "It was Ryou-kun's idea." The female stated.

Today was Halloween-one of Rin's favorite holidays. She always enjoyed decorating her house with spooky bats and self carved pumpkins. Not to mention, the kids who went trick and treating in her old neighborhood were all too adorable.

"Oh. Wait... Why are you throwing it at my place?!" The red haired boy asked, visibly annoyed.

"We agreed that'd be the best place for it!" Kise answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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