Chapter 11 : Gender exposed

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Recap :

"Referee time out ! " the referee shouted .

Riko ran into the coart , and kneeled right next to her . "H-he's not breathing !"

The paramedics ran to Rin's side checking her pulse , and her breathing . They started taking off her jersey , then her sweat shirt . The medic blushed but kept on treating her with his eyes widened . Both teams who were gathered around Rin and the crowd couldn't believe their eyes , except for Kuroko , Kise and Aomine who had worried expressions on their faces . Their eyes could fall out of place due to the unbelievable sight .

"H-H-H-HE'S A GIRL ?????!!!"


The game had ended with Seirin wining with 76-70 . After Rin's incident , she was taken to the infirmary. Her case wasn't severe , although she was still unconscious.

After the match the rest of the Seirin team members headed back to their changing room , still in shock after their dicovery . "That wasn't expected at all." Hyuga commented as he untied his shoes. "You mean Rin ? I know how you feel." Koganei , who stood next to him agreed.

"Soudesuka ? (Is that so) I already knew." Said Kuroko monotonously , making everyone's jaw drop. "EHHHHHHHH ?!!!!" They shouted.

"You knew ?!" Hyuga asked the teal haired boy. "Hai." He replied. "Then why didn't you tell us , Kuroko ?!" asked Izuki.

"I wasn't absolutely sure. Besides , no one asked." Kuroko normally replied. Riko irked and grabbed the boy into a headlock. "So if someone doesn't ask , you won't say anything ?! Bakaaaa." She was infuriated. "C-coach.. I can't... breathe." Kuroko gasped for air , she let go of him . "Damn you , first years ! Why can't you behave !" She added.

"Ano.." Furihata started , getting their attention. "How is he- I mean she doing ?"

"The paramedics said she'll wake up after a while , we should probably go check on him.. her." Riko replied before sighing. 'Why would she do all this though ?' She thought

Meanwhile in the infirmary , Rin laid on the bed unconscious . Unaware of her surroundings. Suddenly , the door slowly creaked open. Revealing Kise , who had a worried expression plastered on his face . He hesitantly walked up to her bed , then stood beside her. A flashback of how she was hit and collapsed to the ground , came rushing in his mind. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. His eyes then softened when he noticed her slightly moving her head .

"Rincchi.." He muttered quietly. Buzz . Buzz . Buzz . His phone rang , he then opened it and saw a text from his team's captain.

From : Kasamatsu-senpai

Oi ! Baka Kise !! Where the hell are you ?! We're about to leave , come outside now ! Or I'll kick you !

Kise sighs before putting back his phone into his pocket , he smiled slightly at Rin then walked out of the room.

Not long after Kise stepped out of the room , all of Seirin's team members along with Riko walked in . They stood there quietly while Riko sat besides Rin on the bed.

Rin then fluttered her eyes open , waking up. She looked up and saw Riko siting beside her . "You're up ? How are you feeling ?" The Burnette asked. "What happened ? Where am I ? What about the match ?" Rin sat up. "You're in the infirmary." answered Riko.

"As for the match , it's over. We won." Hyuga replied , not making eye contact with the blonde girl. Rin sighed of relief.

"Rin.." Riko trailed.

"Hmm ? What is it Riko-chan ?" Rin asked , smiling.

"By now , everyone knows that.... that you're a girl."

"Eh ?" In that moment , Rin's eyes couldn't get any wider . She then looked down , with her bangs shadowing her eyes not saying a word.

"Why did you hide this from us ?! Why did you enter the boy's basketball team ? Why did you lie about your gender ? WHY ?! " Riko yelled , frustrated. "Riko ..."Hyuga tapped her shoulder as he shook his head.

"Go-gomen. (Sorry) It's just that I .." Rin started , her lips trembling.

"It's just that you what ?! Don't you know how much trouble you got us into ? We could've gotten disqualified or something !"

"I..... long ago I had that promise ." Rin mumbled , but loud enough for them to hear. "Promise ?" Asked Riko.
"I made a promise ... I need to be on the boy's basketball team . Being on a girl's basketball team won't fulfill that promise !"

"What kind of promise are you talking about ?!" Riko's questions made Rin look even more troubled. "Well , Riko. Let's leave it at that for now." Said Kiyoshi. "But , Teppei !" Riko started before sighing. "Fine . For now get some rest , Rin. We'll discuss this later."

"Arigatou , Riko-chan." Rin smiled sadly.


I angrily stomped through the hallways . "Ano kuso yaro !" I shouted while staring at the ground. I looked up and saw the men's bathroom door open , revealing the same fish eyes guy who attacked Rin. I couldn't contain my anger anymore , so I ran up to him and punched him square in the face. He fell to the ground like the trash he is.

"TEMĒ !! HOW CAN YOU HIT A GIRL ?!" He muttered that he didn't know that she was a girl , but I didn't care to listen to what he said. I was about to punch him again , when I felt small hands gripping my arm. "Aomine-kun , stop !" Satsuki tried to stop me. "LET GO , SATSUKI !!" I tried to shake her off.

"No ! If they catch you , you'll get suspended or kicked off the team !"

"Tch.." I said before walking away.


Rin along with the other members were walking home silently after checking up on her. "Ne , Riko.." Rin started. "Hmm ? What is it ?" The Burnette asked.

"Am I kicked off the team ?" Everyone stopped walking and turned their attention to Riko. "Well , you put us through a lot.... but no , you're still on the team." Riko reassured. "As for your participation in the winter cup , it may be unheard of but I don't think that there's any rule that forbids it."

"Then it's okay if I stay then ?! Arigatou , Riko-chan !!" Rin hugged Riko ecstatically. She then turned around facing her teammates while smiling. "Hello , nice to meet you. My name is Kurasaki Rin , 16 years old , female. Please take care of me." She bowed. Kiyoshi then ruffled her hair smiling at her.

"A new start may not be so bad. HOWEVER.. " Riko started with a devlish grin plastered on her face , Rin along with everyone gulped as they eyed their coach. "A punishment is required !"

"P-punishment ?! Like what ?!" Rin freaked. "Oh you'll see !" Riko chirped , walking off while skipping every other step. 'S-scary.' Everyone thought.

So you guys , that's the 11th chapter for ya ^^
Thanks to everyone who took the time to read my fan fic , and sorry if it's too amateurish (it is my first fan fic after all)

Don't forget to vote and comment ! XD

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