Chapter 5 : Street basketball

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I reached the location of the tournament and made my towards the court . I found the guys and for some reason Kiyoshi-senpai was with them .

I moved forward only to see a shocked Kagami glaring at a black haired male . "W-what are you doing here ?! Himuro Tatsuya !" Kagami-kun demanded in English .

"Well well Taiga , what a surprise to find you here ." Himuro-san said .

"You don't look surprised at all . Keeping the usual poker face ?"

"I ain't keeping a poker face . It's my nature ."

"Well if it's your nature then you must be good at card games ." I interrupted while giggling .

"You speak English ?" the ravenette asked as he averted his gaze towards me .

"Hai ! I used to live in america just like Kagami-kun ." I gleefully replied .

"Is it , uh , Himuro ? Kagami's friend ." Kiyoshi-senpai suddenly jumped in the conversation .

"Ah I can speak Japanese " Himuro-san replied as he switched to Japanese causing Kiyoshi-senpai to sigh in relief . "I guess you could call me his big brother ." He added .

'Brother ? They look nothing a like .' I thought , but shrugged my shoulders before listening to their story .


Kagami-kun was about to say something , but he was punched by Nigou (Number 2) while kuroko was holding him .

"Ouch ! Nigou ?! You brought him, Kuroko ?" Kagami shouted .

"I don't like it when you're indecisive , kagami-kun" kuroko replied before he placed Nigou down .

"I think I understand the situation ." I said to Kagami in a serious tone . "No one wants their opponents to lose purposely in the game they love . Just like how you love facing strong opponents it might be the same for Himuro-san ."

"You're right . Thanks kuroko , Rin . You've helped me make up my mind ! I'll definitely play my best against you Tatsuya ! " kagami-kun said as he placed his hand on my head .

"Sure . I look forward to playing you today ." Himuro-san said before glancing over to kuroko before shifting his gaze onto me . "Sorry , who are you two ?" .

"Kuroko Testsuya , nice to meet you ."

"Kurasaki Rin . Also nice to meet you" I said while smiling .

"I see , you've got some interesting partners Taiga ."Himuro-san said as he smiled .

"The final two remaining teams in this tournament are high school students ! Who will win ?!" The announcement blared through the speakers .

We stepped onto the court , and by we I mean me ,kagami , kuroko , Furihata and Kiyoshi .

"It's the tip-off"the announcer stated excitedly .

Kagami and Himuro jumped for the ball . Just then a somewhat familiar large hand placed a candy bar on the ball . The guy took the ball in mid air . I looked up at him only to find the same dude that I ran into in the supermarket earlier .

"Gomen (Sorry ) , could you wait for a minute ?" The purple haired boy said in a lazy tone .

"You're late , Atsushi" Himuro sighed .

"Sorry , sorry , I got lost " the guy replied . 'Wait , Atsushi ? Where did I hear that before ?' I thought to myself .

"It's been a while , Murasakibara-kun" Kuroko greeted the giant .

Wait ... Murasakibara ? ..... as in Murasakibara Atsushi ? Kiseki no sedai center ??! /▔□▔)
I sighed at my inability to memorize names -_- .

I came back to reality only to find Murasakibara-kun placing his hand on Kuroko's head . Then he started ruffling his hair , an irk mark appeared on kuroko's . As I saw his angry expression I couldn't help but let out a loud laughter , which caused everyone to shift their attention onto me . Including Murasakibara .


Murasakibara stared at Rin recognizing her as the person who gave him the maibu earlier .

Rin caught him staring at her . "H-hello ." She stuttered . He walked her way and without any warning lifted her up . "What are you doing here ~ ?" He asked while smiling playfully . Turns out he took a liking to her .

"Murasakibara-kun , do you know kurasaki-kun ?" Kuroko asked rather curious .

"Nope . I just ran into him earlier . " Rin replied as she shook her head .

"OI PUT HIM DOWN !!" Kagami yelled at Murasakibara .

"Ehh~ iyada yo ~ (don't want to .)" He replied lazily .
'Demo (but) , was I wrong . The other person back then was a girl .' He thought . He shrugged and then put Rin down .

The game once again started . Murasakibara joined Himuro's team after Kagami provoked him .

"Game start !" The annoncer stated after the ref blew the whistle .

Kagami and Murasakibara jumped for the ball . Kagami successfully got the ball passing it to Furihata who passed the ball to Kuroko . Rin ran across the court and received an ignite pass from him . She got into a shooting form but Himuro quickly jumped for the block but he was too late , the ball was already mid air in an incredibly high arc .

'Impossible !' Himuro thought as he watched the ball go in neatly into the basket .
After a while rain immediately started to pour down . "We have an announcement to make . The game will be suspended . Players and referees , please return to the tents ."

While Himuro was talking to Kagami Murasakibara walked up to Rin .
"Saki-chin . " He started .

"Call me Rin ."she corrected with a smile .

"Atsushi !! Let's go back !" Himuro's scream interrupted their conversation . "Coming , Muro-chin ."
"Jane~(Goodbye) Rin-chin ." He waved .

'What a weird guy .' Rin thought .

(With Murasakibara )

'Was it a boy or a girl ?' . He then thought back to his second year in middle school .


It was spring time . Murasakibara was walking home after his cruel teikou basketball team practice when he heard his stomach growl . "I want to eat snacks ." He mumbled .

He stopped at the nearest supermarket and went inside . He immediately went for the sweets section because .. well he's him ! He wanted to get a his favorite snack . He found that it was all gone . Disappointed he got some chips and pokeys .

At the counter he found a beautiful girl with long blonde hair reaching to her lower back . She bought 2 sports drinks and she got the LAST maibu .
He kept on staring at the sweet .

The girl noticed his glares . After paying she threw the maibu at him , which he easily caught . His eyes sparkled when he eyed the snack .
His eyes met her magenta colored orbs , then she smiled .

"Crap ! I'm going to be late ! Jana ." She then suddenly ran off holding the sport drinks . Murasakibara smiled as he eyed her disappearing figure . 'I wonder who she is .' He then went on eating his snacks .

End of flashback

'It was definitely a girl .' He thought .

Well that's the 5th chapter .
Actually I struggled a lot with this one , don't know why -_- .

Anyways thanks for reading my fan fic . And don't forget to vote and comment . ^^

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