Chapter 8 : Secret oath

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After the Shutoku match , we headed back to the locker room . I sat on the bench reminiscing about the previous one .


I was back to Japan for a vacation , like I always do . I was getting kind of bored of playing street basketball by myself , so I decided to watch a high school basketball match .

I made my way to a stadium which held a match between Shutoku and Seirin high school . While I was walking through the hallway I bumped into a tall blonde guy wearing a grey suit . "Ah I'm sorry . " he said .

"Watch where you're going baka Kise !" The guy next to him scolded the guy before hitting the back of his head .

"Itai ! You always hit me Kasamatsu-senpai ! " the poor guy whined .

"Umm , it's fine . It was my fault for not looking ." I said while smiling reassuringly . I wasn't sure what happened , but I could see the both of them blush . I shrugged my shoulders and went on my way .

The game had already started when I had arrived . As I watched the game , I was mesmerized by the shooting guard of Shutoku . His shooting form was beautiful and his shooting arc was just as high as mine . Although his team was dominating the game at first , the Seirin team didn't give up . They were amazing .

They made a comeback with their teamwork and hardwork . I honestly respected their team . "They must really love basketball . I want to play with them ." I muttered while watching with a smile . Seirin had won by 82-81 .

End of flashback

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Koganei-senpai muttered , "umm...." .

We all turned to face him .

"What is it ?"

"Nigou (number 2) is missing ."

"YOU BROUGHT HIM !!?" We all screamed .

"Tehe , gomen gomen . (Sorry .)" Koganei-senpai tilted his head and stuck out his tongue .

"Don't give me that ! " Riko-chan yelled as she pulled him into a headlock .

"I'll go look for him ." Kuroko-kun stated .

"I'll go with you ." I volunteered .

"Arigatou gozimasu , (thank you very much .) Kurasaki-kun ."

I smiled and tagged along searching for Nigou .

When we finally heard a barking sound , we figured that it'd would be it . So we ran to the direction of the sound , only to find Momoi-san holding Nigou standing next to Midorima-kun and Kise-kun . 'Shit'

"Excuse me , that dog is mine ." Kuroko-kun stated as he carried Nigou .

"Tetsu-kun ! Kurokocchi ! Kuroko ." They greeted Kuroko .

"What are you all doing here ? "

"Ah Rin-chan is here too ! " Momoi-san exclaimed .

"Ehehehe , d-do-domo . (Hello .) "

"Rincchi , I saw the match ! You were amazing ! " Kise-kun said as he walked towards me .

"T-thank you . " I stuttered while looking down to the ground .

"Kurasaki-kun , are you alright ?" Kuroko-kun asked worriedly , while Nigou was licking his face the scene apparently made Momoi faint .

"Huh ? Kurasaki ?" Kise-kun trailed .

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