Chapter 7 : Shutoku vs Seirin

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After the match , the team started walking home together .

"Kagami-kun ." Kuroko-kun called .

They talked for a while before Kagami-kun told me they're going to a nearby court . I nodded and went home alone .

Our next match was against Senshinkan , I heard that our team already lost to them twice before . But we easily won with me still benched , the score was 78 to 61 .

"Yatta ! You guys did it !" I said while jumping from joy .

"Looks like Shutoku won too ." Izuki-senpai commented while staring at the nearby court . "We both have one win . If we both win the next game , we'll have a secured spot in the Winter cup . If we lose our chances will fall out of reach ." Riko-chan stated .

I looked to see Kagami-kun and followed his gaze , he was glaring at a familiar tall guy with green hair whose wearing glasses . 'So it's him again .' I thought while smirking .

"Ne ne Kuroko-kun , whose that guy ?" I asked while tugging on his jersey .

"He's my old teammate from Teiko , Midorima-kun ."

"Huh ? I see "

'Well I did have my doubts that he's one of them .'

Now we must face Shutoku .

On our way out Kiyoshi-senpai told us to go on ahead without him . He must've seen someone he knows .

Time skip >>>

On the day of the match it was raining .'now that I think about it , it was raining last time too'. I stayed in the locker room with the rest of the team .

"Sumimasen (excuse me) would it be okay if I step out to get some water ?" Kuroko-kun asked .

"Ah , sure . But take someone with you to get some for the rest of the team ." Riko-chan replied .

"I'll go !" I chirped .

We went to the nearest vending machine and got the water . On our way back , we heard a loud voice .

"Kurokochii !! " the familiar voice yelled .

I turned around and saw a blonde guy , I immediately recognized him as the guy who was running from a group of girls .

"Kise-kun , domo . (hello)" Kuroko-kun greeted .

"Kurokochii hisashiburi ssuyo ~ (it's been a while .) "

A sudden realization hit me
Σ( ° △ °|||)︴. 'Shit ! Shit ! This is bad ! He knows I'm a girl ! ' I thought as I desperately tried to cover my face with the cap I was wearing .

"I forgot to introduce you , this is Kise-kun my old teammate . And this is Ku-"
"Ah Kuroko-kun I need to head back ! Bye !" I ran away .

'Oh my god ! I'm so stupid ! I hope he didn't recognize me !'

I got back to the locker room depressed and slouched on the bench . Riko-chan must've noticed because she walked up to me . "Don't worry , Rin-kun . I'll put you in the second half ."

My eyes lit up from hearing the news and I jumped towards her and hugged her . "Arigatou~ Riko-chan !"

"OI ! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING ! LET HER GO !" Hyuga-senpai shouted angrily before he pulled me away from her .

"Ehh ? Captain , you're so cruel ! Besides , don't worry . I won't steal her from you ." I joked while winking at them . They both immediately blushed . Before they could reply we already headed out and onto the court .
As usual , Hyuga-senpai , Izuki-senpai , kiyoshi-senpai , Kagami-kun and kuroko-kun stepped onto the court .

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