Chapter 3 : First day .

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I woke up early in the morning , well more like I couldn't sleep all night . Who could blame me ? I was really excited to start studying at my new school , and of course let's not forget to start playing basketball with my new team !!

Back in my middle school in America , I used to play for the school's basketball team . And not to brag or anything I kind of lead my team to victory . we struggled and fought hard , but in the end we had fun .

Without wasting any time , I headed to the bathroom and had a quick shower before putting on my shest binder and my school uniform .

I went out of my room and headed towards the kitchen , I made french toast and ate it on the way to school .

I walked past the school gates with my new uniform on . I was finally at seirin . I then headed to find the office .

I walked in the office to find a bunch of teachers , some were sitting on their disks and the others were scurrying around . I walked up to the secretary and gave her my papers , she motioned me to sit on one of the empty chairs so I complied .

After checking my papers her eyes widened and she looked at my with disbelief . She must've saw my gender . I let out a silent chuckle before receiving my schedule from her . I quickly thanked her , and walked out of there . The bell rang as I searched for my class 1-B . I wonder if any of my teammates are in that class ?


Just when the class couldn't get any noisier . The homeroom teacher clapped his hands to get everyone's attention , in which he succeeds . "Everyone settle down , we have a new student in here . " he stated and continued to talk . "Well , umm .. h-h-he's ... a-a little 'special' , but I know that you will get along with h-him .. er.. yeah " the teacher's uneasiness was noticed by most of the students in the room .

"I wonder who it is !"

"I hope it's a boy ! "

"No way ! It better be a girl ."

"Class please settle down ! " the teacher said . "Alright , please come in . "

The class door slided open revealing the short petite blonde 'boy' .

"EHHHHHH?!" Most of the class shouted .

Everyone was shocked at what they saw .

"He's so handsome ! I wonder if he's single ." Girls started to live in their own imaginary world with their new found 'love' .

"Man ! He's one hell of a lady killer !" Said some jealous boys about the feminine looking boy .

The said boy was wearing the usual seirin 'men's' uniform with a dark blue backpack slung on his shoulders . His hair was medium long bright blonde color , reaching his lower lip , it's end was spiky , yet it flowed smoothly as a random breeze went inside the classroom . His eyes were glowing magenta color .

Such charm and presence that surpasses a certain known blonde model .

The new student looked around the room , as if inspecting and memorizing every and each detail of the room . He then finally decided to speak and said "Hello everyone , my name is Kurasaki Rin ! But you can call me Rin , I like it better that way . I just came back from America about a week ago . Nice to meet you everyone , yoroshiku ! (Please take care of me!)" she then finishes off with a wink and and gun bang sign which causes all the girls in the classroom to have massive nosebleeds .

"Everyone settle down . Now if you please take a seat next to Kuroko Testsuya and Kagami Taiga ." The teacher said to Rin pointing at the seat 3rd to the last row beside the window .

'Yatta ! I'm in class with two of my teammates .' Rin thought as she walked towards her seat .

"Hey , Kagami-kun and kuroko-kun" Rin said greeting her classmates .

"Hello , Kurasaki-kun " Kuroko replied . "I told you to call me Rin ." Rin said to the stoic teen who ignored her .

"Hey Rin !" Kagami replied causing Rin to smile .



After class ended , I started to pack my books inside of my bag .

"We should get to practice , or coach will yell at us if we're late ." Kuroko said .

I grabbed my bag and said "you guys go on a head , I have something I need to do before going ." Kagami and kuroko nodded their heads , so I ran out of the classroom .

I made my towards the boy's bathroom and made sure no one was there to avoid any awkward incidents -.- .
I entered one of the stalls and made sure to lock it . I started to change into a pair of green work out pants and long sleeved green shirt white at the sleeves . I folded up my sleeves up to my elbows and got out of the stall . I looked up at the mirror making sure my medium sized chest was tightly bandaged so it would seem that I was flat chested .

I headed towards the gym and slided the door open .

"Hey everyone !" I greeted my teammates and Riko-chan .

"Hello , Rin-kun " Riko-chan replied .

"I'm excited for practice Riko-chan !" I said to the Burnette senpai .

"Riko-chan ?!" Coach asked in a confused manner .
"I can't call you that ?" I said with puppy eyes that would melt anyone's heart .
"I-i-it's not that you c-can't ." Riko stuttered looking flustered .
"Yatta !" I said while smiling brightly .

"So are we going to start ?" Hyuga-senpai asked Riko-chan .

"Hai , we'll start by running around the school's track field , and then we'll test out Rin-kun's ability in a match between the first and second years ." Riko chan said after regaining her composure .

So we're going to play already ? I can't wait !


The game against the second years had already begun , with the first half past we were ahead with 6 points . Kagami did all the work with me just standing there , to be honest I was slightly frustrated .

"Bakagami ! Pass the damn ball ! " I shouted at my uncooperative teammate , running down the court , thirty feet away from him . I had already figured out kuroko-kun's talent of misdirection during the first quarter of the match . Kagami then twisted around and passed the ball to kuroko without missing a beat . The blue haired boy aimed the ball towards me . I caught it , dribbling down the court beyond the 3-point line . Mitobe-senpai and kiyoshi senpai rushed to block me . crossover to the left , fake , body twist to the right , dribble and fade away . I smiled . And shoot . The ball went in swiftly as always with a high arc .

"Wahhhh sugoiii !!" I heard Furihata-kun say .


The game ended with the first years winning by 25 points . We could've gotten a better score if kagami passed more often -_- .

I finished packing my stuff into the bag when I heard Riko-chan squealing in delight .

"What's up with her ?" I asked Hyuga-senpai who was standing next to me .

"No don't mind her , that's how she gets when she's happy" Hyuga-senpai replied .

"With this we can even win against teams with the kiseki no sedai ! (Generation of miracles)" Riko-chan said ecstatically .

"Kiseki no sedai ?" I asked in a confused manner .
Turns out I have a lot to catch up on .

Author's note :
Hey guys ! So this is the third chapter .. sorry if it's too long .

Also , don't forget to comment and vote !
Thanks again ♡_♡ .

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