Special chapter : Memories of her past

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Author's note :

This is a special chapter revealing Rin's past , how she started playing basketball and why she cross dresses .

There are some important details that will be important to know later on .

Bold letters = English


Ever since Rin was a little child , she was cheery and outgoing . Nothing could ever rain on her parade . She had a loving mother , who's an American citizen and hardworking Japanese father , who cared deeply for their only child . She thought everything was alright .

That was until she was  nine years old , when her parents decided to get a divorce , due to some 'family issues' . Her father , an owner of a very successful company , was always busy and traveling due to his work . And couldn't take time to spend with his family .

That was when Rin's parents decided to get a divorce , causing Rin to feel upset and depressed . They also decided that for the time being , Rin would stay with her mother in America and occasionally visit her father in Japan .

one day , Rin's uncle (from her mother's side .) Decided to cheer her up . And being the basketball freak he is , he got tickets for a basketball match , and dragged her along .

Since the match started , Rin was mesmerized by their performance and skill . How the point guard would precisely pass the ball to his teammates , the power forward dashing across the court quickly , the center supporting his team . And especially how the point guard would get into position and make 3 point shoots for his team .

After the game had ended , Rin was left wanting more . Her eyes were filled with admiration , and she was fidgeting in her seat from excitement . Ever since then , Rin never stopped talking about basketball , she fell for it .

After watching that game , she started playing basketball herself , in the basketball court near her house . At first she struggled with the basics , but she loved every part of it . Her mother was glad that she was back to her old self again . So she got her a basketball , basketball shoes and whatever she wanted . Supporting her all the way .

After she had turned fourteen . She was already a very skillful player . Leading her school's girl basketball team to victory . Since she had a vacation after her second year of middle school , she had to spend it back in Japan with her father .


"I don't want to spend my vacation back in Japan ." I whined to mom as she was preparing breakfast .

"Why is that , my little Rin-rin ?" She asked cheerfully .

"Because dad is never home , and I don't like staying in that big house all by myself . It's boring" I answered looking down to floor .

"Aww , I'm sure you'll find something to do while you're there ." She tried to cheer me up .

After I had my breakfast , I headed to the street court near my house .
"Come to think of it , I haven't played since the championship game ." I mumbled to myself .

I tied my long , blonde hair up that reached below my back into a ponytail . Then started to dribble the ball and warming up . A group of guys stepped onto the court , but I didn't pay attention to them and continued on with my practice . They were standing on the sidelines watching me do a lay up .

"H-hey , don't you think that she's kinda cute ?" One of them whispered but I heard him .

"You're right ." One of them agreed .

When I took a break to catch my breath , a boy with black hair  that covered his left eye with a beauty mark under his right eye approached me . "Sorry . But could we use the coury for now ? We're having a match ." He asked with a gentle smile .

I smiled back at him before replying . "Sorry , but I was here first and this is a public court . So if you can't share , then I suggest you go to another court ." I replied , slightly irritated .

"Hey !" A boy with red hair and split eyebrows shouted angrily . "What is it , split eyebrows ?" I teased .

"What is a girl like you even doing here ?! I bet you can't even play ."

That was it , I can't stand this guy !!!

I smiled to mask my anger and said , "heeheh . I see . Then if you're so sure , why don't you show me how good YOU are ."

"Taiga-" someone started but was interrupted by the split eyebrows' declaration of war . "Fine ! A one one one ! "

Slight Time skip >>>

The game had ended with me losing by a 5 point difference . I was so frustrated , I couldn't believe that show off was this good .I clenchef my fist at how weak I was . 'I need to improve . I need to get stronger .' . I stood up straight and walked towards the guy , then raised my hand to him for a handshake , he accepted it .

"You know for a girl , you're pretty good ."

" You're not bad for a show off either ." I smiled at him , he stared at me for a while then averted his gaze .

I took a look at my watch , it was getting late . 'It's getting really late ! Mom is probably infuriated right now !'

"I should go now ! bye !" I waved before running back to my house .

Shortly afterwards , I went to spend my vacation in Japan .

A lot of things had happened after my vacation back in Japan . An encounter happened . A promise was made . That's right , I met 'him' .

I returned to America and finished my third year of middle school . After that I kept begging my mom to let me study high school in Japan . I needed and wanted to go their . I just had to .

"It's a promise then ."  His voice was ringing in my head .

After endless protest , Mom finally agreed to let me go back after the first semester had already passed  -_-" .

I knew that in Japan , basketball wasn't seen as a woman's sport . That's why I decided to pretend to be a boy . So that I'll be able to play in the boy's basketball team and fulfill my promise . So I cut my hair , bought a bunch of baggy clothes so that it won't she my physical appearance . I didn't need to get a pseudonym , since my name is already used by both boys and girls .

I had chosen to attend Seirin high school after I'd watched their match against Shutoku high .

And that's when it all started .

So you guys , who do you think the person she made a promise to is ?

The picture is Rin in middle school .

Vote and comment , and thank you for reading ^_^  .

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