Chapter 9 : One on one

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I woke up and rubbed my eyes as I got out of bed . "It's almost noon ." I muttered after I looked up at the clock on my nightstand .

It's a Saturday , so there's no school and we also have a day off from practice . I had pretty much nothing to do .

I went to the kitchen and made some breakfast . After I ate and washed the dishes , I slumped onto the couch lazily . 'Maybe I should go for a walk .'

Come to think of it , I didn't go out much except for school and practice .

I got up and went to my bedroom . I took a shower before changing into a pair of blue jeans and a pink Nike hoodie . I didn't bother to bandage my chest , I mean who would I run into ?

I went outside of my apartment , only to see Kagami-kun's door slowly open . I immediately ran off as fast as I could . Thankfully he didn't notice me , because if he had he would've called out to me .

I was walking around when I noticed a shop that sells sportswear . I went inside to check it out .


Rin immediately ran off the shoe section . 'I need new basketball shoes .'
She thought as she looked for ones she liked . She was looking in front of her when she bumped into a large figure .

"OI ! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING !" The guy yelled , making Rin gulp .

"Ah , I'm sorry !" She apologized while bowing .

She looked up to see a tall , tanned boy with navy blue hair . He looked down to meet her intimidated eyes . He then lowers his gaze even more .

Rin was confused and wanted to know what caught his attention . So she followed where his eyes were directed only to find that he was staring at her chest . She blushed and didn't know what to say .

After giving her D-cups a long stare he averted his gaze elsewhere before smirking .

        "Not bad ." He commented .

Rin would've reacted to his comment hadn't she noticed something he was holding that made her eyes sparkle .

He was holding a pair of large , dark blue Air Jordans . They were actually her favorite brand , and she couldn't get enough of them . Most girls were into cutesy , girly shoes . Rin on the other hand collects basketball shoes .

"Excuse me , where did you get those ? " she asked the tanned man while pointing at the pair of shoes he was holding .

He points behind himself with his thumb . "Over there ." He said .

"Thanks ! " Rin thanked him and went to get her 'dream shoes .'

He turned around only to see Rin leaning forward trying out a pair of black Air jordans that were streaked with pink .
'That was fast'  he thought . He walked up to the counter to pay for his shoes .

After paying  , Rin went out of the store with her new shoes .

"Damn that Satsuki !" . The same guy was standing in front of the store with his phone in one hand and his newly bought shoes in the other . He turned around and saw Rin standing beside him .

"Oi , I saw you trying out basketball shoes earlier . Do you play ? " He asked .

"Hai !" She ecstatically replied ." You ?" She asked back . He nodded .

"Are you any good ?" She asked trying yo start up a conversation . He just smirked at her .

Rin noticed the nearby court and an idea popped in her head .

kiseki no conflict (kuroko no basket fan fic) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now