Chapter 12 : Hot Springs visit

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Rin stood nervously at the gate of Seirin high. She fidgeted with the hem of her skirt. She was practically forced into wearing the girl's school uniform by Riko.


Riko after practice told Rin to meet her near the locker room so she complied. When she arrived she found Riko holding something. The moment Riko spotted her , she threw the item at the blonde girl. Rin held it up inspecting the item. "What's this ?" She tilted her head in confusion.

Riko smirked before speaking , "wear that tomorrow or I'll triple your training regimen." She then walked away. "Eh ?"

"Ehhhhhhhhh ?!"

End of flashback

Rin walked through the hallways of the school , ignoring the looks she's receiving. 'It's been a very long time since I last wore a skirt' She thought.

"Ne ne , isn't that girl kind of cute ?" A guy whispered to his friend.

"Yeah , but I haven't seen her around before , is she new ?" He commented.

She furiously blushed at the comments but nevertheless , made her way into the classroom.

"Who's that girl ?"

"Saa... (don't know) she seems really familiar though." They glared at Rin.

She approached her two teammates , Kuroko was reading a light novel , while Kagami was eating a sandwich.
"O-ohayo , Kuroko-kun , Kagami-kun." She greeted. Kagami looked over to Rin and started to choke , and Kuroko looked up but his expression hadn't changed , he only opened his mouth slightly but quickly closed it shut.

"Ohayo , Kurasaki-san." He replied. Kagami was still shocked to see Rin in that kind of outfit. In his defense , they only found out about her gender a couple of days ago. "Oi ! Why are you wearing that ?!" He asked , his cheeks dusted in pink. 'It suits her.' He thought before shaking his head.

"Riko-chan made me wear it." She shrugged before sitting on her assigned seat.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh ?!" The people present jaw dropped when Rin had sat down on their male classmate's seat. The hair and the face features were similar , but the body structure was very different , Rin not bandaging her chest.

A girl had stepped up to clear the misunderstanding , "ano , are you by any chance new to our class ?" She asked , Rin turned around and shook her head . "Iie , it's me. Kurasaki Rin." The girl's face turned blue and she was about to faint from shock.

"EHHHHH ?! You're a girl ?!" Everyone in the room chorused except for Rin , Kagami and Kuroko. "Hai..." The teacher then walked in and told the students to settle down.

After class had ended the three headed to practice. When they approched the gym along with Rin , sounds of shoes squeaking and basketballs dribbling on the ground were heard. The noise had stopped when Rin had walked in , their gazes locked on her . All of them ran in their direction . "Who's your friend , Kuroko , Kagami ?" Koganei asked while poking Kuroko's side with his elbow.

"This is Kurasaki-san." Kuroko bluntly replied. "For the billionth time , It's Rin !" She corrected.




"Eh ? EHHHHHH ?!" They yelled. "You look different." Izuki commented , eying his teammate. "Chotto ! Why did you stop practicing-" Riko started before seeing Rin , she ran up to her and hugged her , rubbing their cheeks together. "Rin-chan you looks so cute !" Rin slightly blushed before speaking , "A-arigatou."

kiseki no conflict (kuroko no basket fan fic) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now