Chapter 4 : Sweet tooth

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Recap :

The game ended with the first years winning by 25 points . We could've gotten a better score if kagami passed more often -_- .

I finished packing my stuff into the bag when I heard Riko-chan squealing in delight .

"What's up with her ?" I asked Hyuga-senpai who was standing next to me .

"No don't mind her , that's how she gets when she's happy" Hyuga-senpai replied .

"With this we can even win against teams with the kiseki no sedai ! (Generation of miracles)" Riko-chan said ecstatically .

"Kiseki no sedai ?" I asked in a confused manner .
Turns out I have a lot to catch up on .


I was heading to maji burger with Kagami-kun and Kuroko-kun , when I remembered what happened after our practice match .

Flashback :

"Huhhh ?!! You don't know who the generation of miracles are ? " koganei-senpai asked .

"I'm sorry , should I know them ? " I asked while smiling sheepishly . I could see all the people in the gym face palm at my answer .

"That's really unexpected ." Hyuga-senpai commented .

"Umm Rin-kun , where middle school did you go to ?" Riko-chan asked me .

"I went to middle school in America ." I replied to her question .

"I see , that would make sense ." Izuki-senpai said as he placed his hand on his chin .

End of flashback .

I sighed as I remembered the names of the generation of miracle's members . Kise Ryota , Midorima shintaro , Aomine Daiki , Murasikabara Atsushi and akashi seijuro . I couldn't help but think how familiar some of those names are .

Kuroko-kun seemed to notice my uneasiness . "Kurasaki-kun , are you okay ?" He asked while looking at me

I looked up at him because he's taller than me -_- . "Yes I'm fine ." I replied . "And it's Rin ." I added while smiling .
As usual he ignored it .

We arrived at maji burger and ordered our food . Kuroko ordered a vanilla milkshake while I got kagami got a mountain of burgers , and I got 2 burgers and chocolate milkshake . And yes I know what you're thinking , I have a big appetite comparing to my height and weight .


They made their way towards the exit and went their way home . Kuroko went on a different way after a while . And it was just kagami and Rin .

After walking for a while Rin seemed curious as to why kagami was still walking with her . She shrugged and kept on walking .

They reached a building and stopped at the entrance when Rin noticed that kagami was behind her .

"Ummm , do you need anything ? " Rin asked rather curious .

Kagami shrugged . "I live here ." he said . Rin nodded and went inside . They both entered the elevator . It turns out they live at the same floor .

Rin stopped at her apartment's door , and Kagami-kun was standing in front of the apartment across from her . Their eyes widened for a bit before they both burst into laughter .

Kagami stopped laughing and looked at the laughing Rin . 'Kawaii .(cute)' He thought while blushing . But he quickly shook his head . 'What am I thinking ! ' he thought to himself .

"Who would've thought we're that similar" Rin said to Kagami . "Y-y-yeah" he stuttered after he snapped out of his thoughts .

"Well , good night , Kagami-kun " .
"You too . " he replied . And then they entered their respective apartments .

Time skip >>>


Today seirin high had a practice match against komada high sat on the bench as I heard the sounds of sneakers squeaking . I was kind of annoyed that I didn't get to play but I remembered that Riko-chan told me that she'll put me in when I'm needed . So she made me sit out the entire game .

The game ended with us winning by 72 to 65 . I stood up with the rest of the team wearing my #14 jersey .


"By the way , what do you want to do tomorrow ? We finally have a day off ." Kawahara-kun said .

"Well , I'll probably sleep mostly ." Fukuda-kun replied .

"I think it'll be fun to play basketball ! " I said excitedly .

"H-hey !" Furihata exclaimed .
"Why don't we do this ?" He held up a flyer for 5v5 street basketball tournament .

"Really ?! That would be super fun !" I cheered .

"Hey , first years ! Don't you know what a holiday is ? Rest . You have to rest ." Riko-chan interjected with a frown on her face .

"We know . We know , but kagami and kuroko always play in games . And we all know that Rin is incredible . But we'd like to play sometimes too . " Furihata-kun said .

"Good ! Good for you !" Kiyoshi-senpai said in his usual cheerful voice . "That's the spirit ! Nee Hyuga ?"


Eventually , Kiyoshi-senpai won our case , sending us a wink . I swear to God , isn't Kiyoshi-senpai the best or what !!


Early this morning , I was jogging around the neighborhood since today was our rest day . I decided to join the guys for the street basketball tournament after I finished jogging . I pulled out a towel from my pocket and swept away the sweat . I went back to my place and changed , then I grabbed my bag and went outside again .

On my way I stopped in front of the supermarket after having a sudden urge to have some snacks . I went inside the store and went straight to the sweets aisle . my eyes sparkled when I saw 2 mango flavored maibu , I reached over and took it .


when Rin turned around she saw an extremely tall guy with purple colored hair , he was holding multipe snacks in one hand and reaching for the now gone maibu bars . A look of disappointment appeared on his face as he eyed the maibu bars in her hand . She shrugged and made her way to the counter . She bought the 2 maibu bars and 3 pockey boxes . And made her way outside of the supermarket .

She turned around to see the same guy carrying a bag filled with snacks . Rin sighed before she threw something at him , he quickly caught it with his large hand . His eyes sparkled when he found one mango flavored maibu .

The guy smiled childishly making Rin giggle . 'Arigatou ~(Thank you)" the guy said in a lazy tone . "Douitashimashite .(You're welcome)" Rin replied with a closed eye smile before she ran off to the place of the tournament .

"Hmmm , this seems kind of familiar . " The guy mumbled to himself . 'Like it happened before ' he thought . He shrugged and then kept on walking .
For some people he may seem like an airhead , but he NEVER EVER forgets someone who gives him snacks .


I ran towards the location of the tournament . 'I'm going to be late !!' I thought . I heard my phone ring , so I took it out of my pocket to find it was Kagami-kun .

"Moshi moshi" I answered . "DON'T GIVE ME THAT CRAP ! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU !!" Kagami-kun screamed causing me to remove the phone away from my ear . "Sorry I'm late, umm I'll be there in 5 minutes . Bye~" I said before hanging up on him not bothering to hear his reply .

So this is the 4th chapter . So what do you think ? If you don't like anything tell me , I appreciate any comments on my work .
Thanks again for reading my first fan fic ^^ .

Don't forget to comment and vote . ^^

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