Chapter 13 : Winter cup starts !

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The three major high school basketball tournaments. The summer 'Inter-High' , the autumn 'National sports meet' and the 'Winter Cup'.

Until recently , the greatest of these was the summer title. However , the scale of the winter tournament has grown every year.

Now it's title is on par with, or perhaps greater than, the summer tournament's. It is the Winter Cup.

After the opening ceremony has ended. A certain Burnette coach stood next to her team, she was fuming with anger.

"Damn it ! What are those idiots doing ?!" She screamed , several veins popping on her forehead and cheeks. "The opening ceremony's already over !"

"Apparently , they forgot about the time difference. They'll be here soon." Fukuda explained. "Unbelievable." Hyuga sighed.

"This is amazing. The Inter-High courts were amazing, but this is even bigger." Kawahara spoke in awe. "On top of that... Everywhere you look are schools we've seen in books or magazines. We're supposed to fight those monsters ? " Furihata looked around. Hyuga hit the back of their necks before scolding them. "Idiots ! We weren't invited as guests. Hold your heads high."

"Yes, sir !" They both chorused.

Hyuga turned around , sweating while his hand was placed over his heart. 'Right ? Right ?!' He questioned himself.

Izuki who was watching the scene unfold sweat dropped. 'You're scared, too.'

As the rest of team was still talking , Kuroko's cell phone started to vibrate. He picked it up from his duffel bag and saw the text sent to him. His eyes widened for a second before returning to his usual stoic expression. "Sorry, but could I step out for a bit ?"

"I told you not to wander off." Riko grinned evilly as she raised her paper fan. Kuroko took a step back before speaking. "Yes, but .... I've been summoned."

"Summoned ?" Kiyoshi repeated. "I'm going to meet Akashi-kun." Kuroko stated , making his teammates widen their eyes. "The captain of the Generation of Miracles..." Izuki exclaimed.

Riko closed her eyes and sighed, calming herself. "Fine. We've got a game this afternoon. Be back by then."

"Hai." Kuroko said before walking away.

"Furihata-kun, could you follow him ?" Riko requested. "Okay." He agreed.



"Kagami-kun, hurry up !" I scolded my red headed teammate while running ahead of him. We probably missed the opening ceremony. 'Stupid time difference !'

We stopped for a bit to catch our breath. "Coach is going to kill us..." Kagami-kun said in between pants.

"I know..." I shivered at the thought. "I should probably call her and tell her we're outside." Kagami-kun nodded.

"I'm going to get something to drink. You want anything ?" He asked. "Yeah, Thanks ! I'll catch up with you after I make the call." I stated before he started to walk away.

I got my cell phone out of my pocket and called Riko-chan. It rang a couple of times before she picked up. "Hey , Riko-chan !"

"Don't give me that crap ! Where are you and where's Bakagami ?" She shouted , I removed the phone away from my ear. "Riko-chan , calm down. Kagami-kun and I are outside. We'll be there in a couple of minutes." I tried my best not to anger her any further. She sighed before speaking again. "Fine , but hurry up." She then hung up.

kiseki no conflict (kuroko no basket fan fic) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now