Chapter 10 : Rough play

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Shutoku vs Senshinkan . Seirin vs Kirasaki Dai Ichi . The winner of each match will have the right to participate in the winter cup .

Our opponent for today is a team know for their rough and foul play . I couldn't help but worry , ever since Kagami-kun told me about the cause of Kiyoshi-senpai's injury . It seems that they're dangerous . Especially their team's captain , 'Hanamiya Makoto , one of the uncrowned kings ' .

The whole team is in the locker room , about to change . I was going to take off my jacket when Riko-chan approached me . "Rin , you're not playing in today's match ." She stated .

"Ehh ? Why ? What did I do ??!" I freaked out .

Her eyes were filled with worry and despair , not bothering to answer me . "Is it because I'm short and skinny ?! Do you think that I'm weak ?!" I asked , hurt . She didn't answer me . She just stood there , not even looking at me in the eye .

I stormed out of the locker room angrily and leaned against the wall outside . 'Why ? I want to protect my teammates , I want us to win together . I need to be by their side .... Am I not strong enough ?' I thought as I gritted my teeth in annoyance .


Meanwhile back in the locker room .
"You did the right thing , Riko ." Kiyoshi comforted Seirin's coach .

"But ...I think I hurt his feelings ." Riko worriedly replied .

"It couldn't be helped , Coach ." Kuroko stated .

"Actually , I was Kind of surprised when you agreed with me , when I asked Riko to prevent Rin from playing ." Kiyoshi exclaimed .

"Hai . (Yes) I just don't want kurasaki-kun to get hurt . Especially because ..." he trailed .

"Hm ? What did you say ?" Hyuga asked .

"It's nothing . " Kuroko replied .

Both teams stepped onto the court , starting to warm up . Rin took off her jacket , before grabbing a ball and started to do some lay ups and three pointers .

Back on the bleachers . Kaijou high's basketball team gathered and watched the two teams warm up .
Kise noticed Rin on the court , doing a lay up . He smiled before excitedly waving his hands . "Hey ! Rincchi ! Over here !" He greeted Rin .

"I told you to shut up ! " Kasamatsu yelled while kicking Kise on the back , with Kise crying with anime tears .

On the opposite side of the bleachers , was Touou gakuen's team . There sat Momoi , with Aomine next to her as he watched the players with a bored expression . His eyes caught a glimpse of a familiar figure with short blonde hair , making him widen his eyes . 'That's her ! ' he thought .

"What is it Aomine-kun ?" Momoi asked her childhood friend .

"I-it's nothing ." He paused before asking , "Was that person always playing for Seirin ? " pointing at Rin .

"Eh ? You mean Rin-chan ?" He nodded . 'So her name is Rin .' She then shook her head . "It seems that he joined the team sometime during the winter cup preliminaries . He's the one I told you about , remember ? The one who played against Midorin ."

His lips form a smirk as he eyed Rin . 'Omoshiroi (interesting)' .

Back on the court , Rin made a three point shoot . The ball then rolled on the floor and tapped Hanamiya's foot , he picked it up . "Isn't this your ball ?" He asked nicely as he handed it to her .

kiseki no conflict (kuroko no basket fan fic) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now