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It was another late night when Camila arrived at their home after a studio session, the Cabello-Jauregui residency.

Lauren and Camila have been married for four years now and together for six years, both being busy women. Lauren being a photographer working for National Geographic and Camila being a recognized songwriter.

Camila walks into their home to find the living room lights on. She finds it weird since everything was off when she left, until she spotts a suitcase with a bunch of tags on it."Lauren's home" Camila thinks, Lauren has been on a trip working for National Geographic for two weeks.

"Lauren" she called her name but didn't receive an answer back. She takes some steps near the staircase when she hears the shower running as their home is in complete silence.

Camila makes her way into the kitchen looking around, she totally forgot Lauren was arriving today and didn't prepare dinner thinking it was going to be just her in the house again. She goes to the fridge and grabs everything she needs to prepare some sandwiches for both of them.

This is normal for them by now. It's their routine, a sad one. Lauren and Camila got so into their jobs that little by little they forgot what really mattered, each other.

Camila finishes preparing them, leaving a plate on the kitchen counter for Lauren and makes her way to her studio to finish some of the songs she's been working on.

Lauren gets out of the shower naked drying her hair with a towel making her way to their walk-in closet and grabs some fresh underwear and clothes to sleep in. Once she's done changing she makes her way downstairs into the kitchen ready to prepare something to eat thinking camila wasn't home yet, but she's surprised to see two sandwiches waiting for her.

"I guess Camila's home" Lauren thinks, grabbing her plate. She makes her way to the living room and grabs her camera bag then walks to her study in order to continue working on the pictures she captured in Africa during her trip.

Neither girl bothered checking on the other, neither noticing the date, neither noticing it is their anniversary today.

It was around one in the morning when both girls began to feel tired from working and/or traveling. Camila turns off everything in her studio before making her way out, walking up the stairs out of what used to be a basement at some point. It was a gift from Lauren when she bought their house, Lauren converted the basement into a professional studio for her to work from home. Camila opens the door only to watch Lauren taking the first step up to the second floor.

"How was Africa?" asks Camila when she sees her, Lauren turns around to look at her. "Hey, it was good. I got pretty good shots but it was really hot" she tells her as they walk but stops mid stairs when they hear a knock on their front door.

"Are you expecting someone?" Lauren asks her wife with furrowed eyebrows as they look at each other. "No, much less at this time" she answers confused as to who it could be at this hour of the night. There's another knock and Lauren makes her way to their front door with Camila a few steps behind. She opens the door but she doesn't see anyone, it was a cold night, wind blowing on the trees.

"Lauren, look" Camila says to her wife with wide eyes, turning to look at her but she is looking down in her direction. Lauren looks down and that is when she sees a little girl in their welcome mat. "Oh my God" says Lauren looking at the little girl who is hugging her little stuffed animal and a little blanket. "Lauren pick her up, it's really cold outside" she says, her natural motherly instincts making an appearance. Lauren quickly picks up the little girl who begins to fuss in her arms and she quickly hands her to Camila who hugs her trying to calm her down.

A Knock in the HeartWhere stories live. Discover now