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Camila starts her day earlier than usual, the reason? She decided to enroll Ariel in pre-school as Ariana recommended it to her. She gets out of her bedroom making her way towards Ariel's room. "Monkey wake up, it's time for your first day of school" Camila turns on the light and looks at the little girl asleep in her toddler's bed with messy hair on her face.
"She looks so cute" Camila thinks as she looks at her foster daughter. She moves closer to the little bed and kneels on the floor next to her. "Ariel, baby, it's time to wake up." The little girl stirs and whines a little as Camila swipes the hair from her face as Ariel opens her beautiful hazel eyes.

"Come on Ariel, today you are going to school. You get to make some friends." Camila says excitedly as Ariel looks at her sleepily.

In another room of the house, Lauren is waking up as well, knowing she has to get ready for work as usual.

"Ugh" she sighs as she once again wakes up alone in bed. She knows it's her own fault but everyday she is more than unhappy with her life.

Once she's ready for the day she walks out of her bedroom and walks down the stairs to find Camila and Ariel finishing with breakfast, both of them in their own world.

"Morning" she says but Camila ignores her as the new normal, she looks at her wife briefly and goes to grab her morning coffee like every morning on;y to come empty handed.

She looks confused as the coffee machine is empty which is normally ready in the mornings as Camila drinks coffee as well.

"Ariel is starting pre-school today and they want both parents present on the first day" Camila says as she wipes Ariel's mouth.

Lauren turns around even more confused than before as this is new information to her.

"No coffee and Ariel going to school" Lauren thinks.

"You need to go Ariel" Camila says looking at her wife as she didn't hear her say anything. "Camila I have work, I can't just not go. You didn't even tell me in advance." Lauren tells her with her hands on her hips a bit irritated.

Camila glares at her wife, not liking her tone. "If you had looked at the calendar you would've noticed." Camila rolls her eyes at her wife. "Come on monkey, let's get your backpack" Camila walks out with Ariel in her arms.

Lauren looks down and sighs. A morning without coffee is not working for her.

Camila is already outside getting Ariel on her car seat when Lauren comes outside quietly. She locks the front door and walks towards the car. Camila looks at her wife briefly before finishing with Ariel and going to the driver's side. She expects Lauren to get in her car but is surprised by her wife opening the passenger side and getting in with them.

Camila quickly recovers and turns on the engine without a word, pulling out of their driveway making her way to Ariel's pre-school.

The girls finally arrived at Ariel's new school luckily finding a parking spot quickly in their parking lot assigned for the parents. Camila takes a deep breath before opening her door and getting out to take Ariel out of her car seat. "Monkey come on, it's your first day" She tells the little girl excitedly. Ariel looks around feeling intimidated by all the people around her.

Camila walks with Ariel in her arms while Lauren walks behind them looking around. Camila looks at the directions towards the pre-school area and quickly makes her way not wanting to be late.

"Excuse me, do you know where the music room is?" Camila hears someone ask. "No sorry it's my first time here" She hears her wife respond. Camila looks back only to see her wife walking towards her as the woman looks at her wife, up and down checking her out causing her jealousy to rise.

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