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    Camila and Ariel are sitting in the waiting room when Ariel's name gets called.

    Camila gets up with little Ariel in her arms and makes her way towards the nurse. She walks them towards the room where Ariel is going to get checked by the doctor.

    "The doctor will be shortly with you, he's with another patient at the moment" the nurse says before closing the door behind her.

    They wait in there only for a few minutes until the doctor comes in with Ariel's file in his hand.
    "Good morning, I'm Dr. Wayne" he stretches his hand for Camila to shake. "I'm Camila and this is Ariel, we were here about a month ago." The doctor checks on the file and nods.

    "Oh yes, I remember now. I'm sorry, I have seen a lot of patients over the month." he says and Camila nods. "I completely understand"

    The doctor doesn't waste time and begins to examine little Ariel. He could see a difference in the little girl, she's not afraid of him anymore.

    "Just by looking at her, I can already tell you she's doing way better" the doctor tells Camila, who smiles, proud of it.

    "Can you please undress her, leave her on her diaper. Here is a little hospital gown for her. I'll call the lab, we need to take blood samples before we begin so I can have them back before you leave."

    The doctor leaves the room and Camila begins undressing Ariel, who is entertained by a toy she brought with her. Once undressed, Camila puts her on her gown and sits her on the examination bed as she stands next to her to prevent her from falling.

    The doctor comes back with the same girl from their last appointment.

    "Camila, this is Ally. She will be the one to take the blood samples."

    The doctor moves to the side letting Ally do her work. She quickly works on Ariel without any trouble or the little girl crying. Ally gives her a sticker and Ariel looks at it excitedly, showing it to Camila.

    "I'll send the results as soon as they are ready" Ally informs Dr. Wayne before leaving the room.

    "Alright now that, that is out of the way. Let's begin with the check-up." he says moving closer to the examination bed where Ariel and Camila are.

    He begins checking her from head to toe.

    "Everything is fine, she looks so much better within a month." Dr. Wayne tells Camila, looking at her briefly before going back to the file, writing some things down.

    "You can get her back in her clothes." Dr. Waynes informs her as he continues working on her file. Camila grabs Ariel's clothes and changes her into them.

    The doctor waits for Camila to finish dressing Ariel before continuing.

    "How is she doing? How is her speech? Any progress?" the doctor asks turning to look at them, by now Camila is sitting on her chair with Ariel in her lap distracted by her sticker.

    "Oh, she's doing so good. I 've been teaching her some words. I notice she has difficulty with the letter "R" but other than that she's good." Camila explains to him, proud of her work with little Ariel. "That's fantastic" the doctor says as he goes to write some more on the file.

    "Now I see she's still in a diaper" he mentions and Camila nods.

    "Yeah, I was actually waiting on her to speak a little. I want for her to be able to communicate in order for it to work." Camila explains to which Dr. Wayne nods in understanding.

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