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After a long talk about how Ariel got to them, Camila sits on the sofa with the little girl in her arms still asleep.

By now it's only Sinu, Lauren, Camila and Ariel at the house since Alejandro and Sofi left. Sinu has been in the kitchen for some time now while Lauren decided to stay in the living room with Camila and Ariel.

"How is this going to work?" Lauren asks herself, as Camila and Ariel sleep.

Sinu decides to walk in as she hears Lauren talking to herself. Lauren looks up at her and stands up. "I'll have your room ready" Lauren informs Sinu, her mother in law decided to stay for a few nights to help Camila adapt to her new life as she doesn't remember anything.

Lauren walks up the stairs and stops at the closed guest room door. She takes a deep breath and opens the door. By looking at the room from the doorway she could tell Camila did the room hers in just a short time.

The room was a mess.

She takes a deep breath and walks in, begins working on cleaning it before moving everything back to what used to be their bedroom. Her goal was to finish moving everything before Camila wakes up and begins questioning why they were in separate rooms if they are married like they told her.

Meanwhile downstairs... half an hour later.

Sinu watches her daughter sleeping when she begins to stir, waking up from a nap. She could tell when Camila remembers the little girl in her arms even if she's barely waking up. This causes Ariel to wake up as well, as Camila is holding her a little tighter as a reflex from waking up.

Ariel wakes up feeling lost when she notices Sinu and retrieves into Camila's arms, not really knowing Sinu as she has only seen her a handful of times. Lauren walks in, just taking a break from moving Camila's stuff as she has moved the majority of her belongings but not putting them in their place and just leaving them in their bed.

"The guest room is ready for you Sinu" Lauren says as everyone looks at her once in the living room.

"I think she's hungry" says Camila as she hears Ariel's tummy rumbling, causing the little girl's cheeks to go red from embarrassment. At this, Lauren sighs making her way towards the kitchen to prepare some food leaving the Cabellos in the living room.

"Ire a ayudar a Lauren" says Sinu to her daughter. ("I'll go help Lauren")

Sinu walks in, finding Lauren holding her head with one hand while looking at her phone. "You know, I don't think that's how you prepare a lunch for a toddler" says Sinu as she looks around the kitchen as she notices there is no food being prepared for Ariel. Lauren looks up from her phone and closes her eyes. "I don't know what to prepare for her," she admits feeling embarrassed to her mother-in-law.

Sinu shakes her head and begins by grabbing some bread and cheese. "I don't even want to know how you managed to feed her while Camila was at the hospital" Lauren is about to speak when Sinu cuts her off without giving her a chance to reply.

"Lauren if you don't want to lose my daughter you need to make an effort, she always wanted kids and you knew it. Even more so with her condition. She always said since high school that she wanted to have a family"

Sinu leaves the kitchen with Ariel's food. Lauren sees her leaving as she thinks about what she said. She knows her mother-in-law is right but her fear is bigger.

Meanwhile in the living room...

"Mami let me get this straight" says Camila with her mine all over the place as she tries to comprehend everything that her mother just told her.

Sinu has been trying to answer all of Camila's questions regarding the little hazel eyed girl. Camila has not mentioned the fact that she's married to her best friend from high school, just the thought of asking her mother makes her blush. Sinu can tell her daughter has other questions but she's not ready to ask them or at least not to her.

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