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Lauren, Camila and the hazel eyed little girl arrived at the Social Services building after a quick stop at McDonalds, both girls quiet for different reasons. They walk up to the front desk where the receptionist receives them with a smile.

    "Good morning. We have an appointment with Shana Marshall at 9:30" Camila says as Lauren looks around, seeing all the people waiting for their turn she guesses.

    Lauren tunes off Camila and the receptionist, she looks at the little girl in Camila's arms. On one hand she's hugging Timon and on the other hand her new toy she got in her happy meal. The little girl plays with the toy on Camila's shoulder and giggles making Lauren smile at her, it was the first time hearing her giggle and she thinks it's really cute.

    She feels someone's eyes on her and she looks in that direction, it's Camila who's looking at her. Lauren's smile quickly vanishes and clears her throat.

    "Umm... we need to take a seat, they will call our name" Camila tells her, feeling the awkward tension around them. "Okay" is all Lauren says before walking towards some vacant chairs. Camila follows her and sits next to her with the little girl in her lap. She begins playing with her new toy, the little dog going up Camila's arm as Lauren uses her phone. The hazel eyed girl then places the little dog on Lauren's leg. She stops looking at her phone and lifts her eyes, the little one is on her own world playing.

    Camila is about to talk to the little girl when their name gets called.


    "That's us" says Camila carrying the girl and Lauren follows them.

    "Good morning, right this way" says the young girl, opening a door for them. Soon they are walking into Shana's office.

    "Please have a seat" Shana tells them as she opens a cabinet, grabbing a file. The girls take a seat and the little girl becomes a little fussy as she drops her new toy.

    "It's alright monkey" Camila tells her trying to calm her down not realizing she wants her toy, the little girl wouldn't stop moving trying to get out of Camila's hold.

    "Please calm down, she needs to see we can do this" Camila thinks as she tries to get a steady hold of the little girl. Lauren realizes she doesn't have her toy and begins looking around. Shana is only looking at them letting them handle the situation as it wasn't going to be the last time it would happen.

    Lauren finds her toy on the floor by Camila's feet, she grabs it and shows it to the little girl who stops moving. She looks at Lauren with teary eyes and a quivering lip. "Here, now calm down. The lady here needs to tell us something." Lauren tells her, giving her the small toy and the little girl just looks at her.

    Lauren looks up from her to have Shana and Camila looking at her. She looks at them worried she might have been hard with her words to the little girl, that she might have done it wrong.

    "Thanks" Camila tells her with a small smile and Lauren nods before looking at the social worker.

    "Alright so, I still don't have any information on the little girl which is good and bad for you. Good because she can be with you guys but bad because we don't know anything." Shana tells them explaining herself.

    "I perfectly understand" Camila tells her as the little girl rests her head on her chest.

    "Are you guys sure you still want to take the little girl in?" Shana asks, wanting them to be sure as it's a life changing decision before opening the file she grabbed earlier.

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