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The social worker had just left a few minutes ago and Lauren looked at Camila with the little girl in the living room.

"Camila we need to talk" Lauren tells her and Camila turns to look at her. By the way Lauren is looking at her wife, Camila knows an argument is about to start.

"Just give me a second, I'm going to take her for a nap" Camila tells her, picking up the little girl and making her way to the second floor and into their bedroom. She walks to her and Lauren's bed with the girl in her arms, laying her down in the middle of the bed. She removes her pants leaving her in a t-shirt and diaper before putting some pillows on each side.

"Sweet dreams monkey" whispers Camila before kissing her head and putting Timon in her arms, she makes her way downstairs where Lauren is waiting for her.

"Okay, I'm done. We can talk." Camila says walking to the living room, sitting on the couch next to Lauren. "I don't think we should take her in, you didn't even consider me" Lauren straight out says, leaving Camila in shock.

Camila opens her mouth to speak but closes it again not knowing what to say. She could feel her heart shattering as she once again was being denied of becoming a mother. The little girl has made her so happy since she was left in their doormat.

"Lauren..." Camila begins her voice cracking but gets cut off by her wife. "Camila please listen, we are both busy with work. You are always in the studio and I'm traveling most of the time. It doesn't leave time for a baby and they require a lot of time and stability." Lauren says in one breath wanting her to hear her out.

"You are the one who's always busy" Camila says, raising her voice and getting upset, it was the same argument they had a few years ago. Camila had wanted a baby and Lauren thought they should wait since they were starting their careers.

"And you are always in the studio" yells Lauren defensively, frustrated as she feels Camila doesn't understand her. "I'm just busy myself because you are never home" Camila finally says yelling back at her. Lauren stands up from the couch and looks at her.

"Oh so now it's my fault for wanting to have something to offer you for our future" says Lauren sarcastically as she runs her fingers through her hair.

"Okay, you already have what you wanted. Look around, we can keep her, we are well established" says Camila pleadingly, softening her voice not wanting to continue arguing with her wife. Lauren looks away from Camila before speaking. "I don't want her" Camila hears her say and she begins feeling angry all over again.

"But I do, you don't have to do anything. I just need the social worker to believe you want her." Camila tells her, upset that Lauren was acting like this when the first night she said something else. "Camila..." says Lauren but she gets cut off.

"You can sleep here" Camila informs her, looking anywhere but at Lauren with watery eyes. Camila makes her way to their bedroom, she stops at the hallway's closet and pulls out a pillow and blanket, setting it on the floor outside their bedroom door. She takes a deep breath and walks into their room where the little girl is asleep.

Even though it was the afternoon Camila didn't want to see her. She gets into bed laying down next to the nameless girl.

"Don't worry monkey, I'll make sure you are safe and loved" Camila whispers in her ear and kisses her head.

Lauren makes her way upstairs to talk with Camila but stops suddenly when she sees the pillow and blanket on the floor. She opens the bedroom door quietly but stops once again when she hears Camila sniffling making her feel guilty and closes the door. She quietly makes her way downstairs and straight to the front door in need of fresh air.

A Knock in the HeartWhere stories live. Discover now