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Three weeks have passed, and for three weeks Camila has been in the hospital. Camila has been impatiently waiting for her to be discharged, not understanding why she's still in the hospital if she's fine aside from the headaches she suffers.

"Do I get to leave today?" asks Camila like every single day for the past three weeks.

"Mija, necesitas ser paciente" Sinu tells her daughter. (You need to be patient)

"Pero mamá..." (but mom...) Camila begins to complain when she gets interrupted by the door being opened.

"Good morning" says Lauren feeling kind of shy, with Ariel hiding on her neck. As soon as Camila sees her, a big smile appears on her face. Lauren can't help but absorb every ounce of Camila's attention.

Lauren walks directly to the two person couch and sits Ariel down with some toys she brought with her. Camila and Sinu looked at her, not missing anything.

"You know, I still don't know who this little girl is" Camila comments.

Lauren quickly looks at her then back at what she was doing, making sure Ariel is comfortable.

The door opens suddenly and the doctor walks in.

"Good morning Camila" he says looking at her briefly then back at the file on hand.

"So... everything looks fine" he says before looking at everyone. "And it's time to go home... I'll just need to speak with one of you briefly and sign paperwork..." he says, not giving any information.

Ariel laughs while playing, getting everyone's attention in the room.

"I'll go with you" says Lauren, Camila looks weird at her not getting why she's going to talk to the doctor and not her parents. Sinu quickly asks her, distracting her daughter as she notices a face of confusion.

The doctor begins walking towards the door with Lauren behind. Ariel quickly gets down the couch running towards Lauren.

"Mommy" she cries, fisting her jeans.

Lauren quickly grabs Ariel and walks out with the doctor, not daring to look at Camila who she bets is looking at her confused.

When Lauren finally comes back, she finds them still talking about Ariel about what she said. Sinu and Camila stop talking and just look at her.

"So... we can leave now" she says, feeling Camila's eyes on her. Ariel moves around in her arms trying to get down in the bed. She crawls towards Camila who looks at her expectantly.

Sinu and Alejandro take this as an opportunity to talk to Lauren.

"We think it is better to take Camila home with us" Sinu informs her, Lauren turns to look at Alejandro then back at Sinu.

"We are married" says Lauren desperately. "Mija, she doesn't know that" says Sinu putting her hand on her forearm giving it a little squeeze. Lauren turns to look at Camila who is studying Ariel's every move.

"She doesn't know, it's best as you guys aren't in a good place." Sinu says, upset about the situation in her daughter's marriage. Lauren looks at them briefly then at the floor.

"Please... it's her decision. I really don't know what to do" says Lauren, you could hear the hurt in her voice. Sinu and Alejandro look at each other then at their daughter.

"Okay..." Lauren quickly looks up, she's about to say something when Sinu interrupts her. "But if she wants to leave after we tell her she will come home with us"

After waiting for the discharged papers everyone got in their cars. Lauren and Ariel on their own and Camila with her parents, they begin their drive home.

"Mom, can you turn on the radio?" Camila asks from the back seat. Sinu turns to look at her husband. A song from Camila's favorite singer comes on but she doesn't remember it.

"Huh, that's weird" she comments but shakes it off and just enjoys it.

They soon arrived at Lauren and Camila's house.

As they are parking, Camila sees Lauren and the little girl getting inside the house.

"Mom, what are we doing here? Who lives here?"

"Let's go inside first" Alejandro says getting out of the car.

They come in, Lauren is in the living room, sitting on the couch as Ariel is playing with her toys completely in her own world. They guide Camila to the living room, everyone in silence.

"Mom, I mean it, what are we doing here?"

"Camila, mija. We need to tell you something" Sinu tells her. Camila stays quiet and turns to look at Lauren then at her dad.

The suspense was so much that Lauren couldn't take it anymore.

"We are married"

"What!" "Lauren!" Camila and Sinu yell at the same time, startling Ariel who begins crying.

"No, no, no, don't cry" Lauren quickly gets up to calm little Ariel.

Camila in shock turns to look at her parents who nod at her, confirming what Lauren said. She can see Lauren struggling with the little girl and she stands, still not understanding how it can be true.

"Here, let me" she says to Lauren, Camila sits on the floor next to Lauren and tries to hold Ariel who quickly switches to her hiding on her chest.

Camila looks up at Lauren with teary eyes and Lauren nods

"But how..." Camila whispers as a tear rolls down her cheek with an inexplicable feeling inside of her.

After some time Camila is able to calm Ariel, who falls asleep in her arms. She looks at the little girl in her arms questioning how she's hers.

"Let me" says Lauren, grabbing Ariel to put her on the mat that Camila arranged there in the living room before the accident.

Camila follows her every move with her eyes.

"Camila, come have a seat, we'll explain everything" Sinu says looking at her daughter. Camila cleans her tears and follows her mother's orders.

As soon as she sits down, Camila turns to Lauren who is standing across from her.

"Is she ours?" Camila asks, trying to comprehend something about this craziness.

"No" Lauren answers, Camila looks at her even more confused.

"We'll get there" Sinu tells her.

AN: Thank you yuys or the support and for your patience, I'm trying to publish every week but it's been a few hard weeks.

And a shot out 📢 to my first five votes:
1. Dimple_gang
2. Mlgmlg16
3. nesrinevn
4. euh1997
5. Cabello_Kerr20

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