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It's been two weeks since Ariel has been attending pre-school, they run into a few tantrums. The little girl doesn't want to wake up in the mornings but after seeing all the kids in class she's happy about going to school. Camila has seen a great improvement in Ariel, her social skills. She would say hi to kids and adults while walking to her classroom as she held Camila's hand.

At the moment Camila is waiting along with other parents for the pre-schoolers to be released from class. Camila could see all sorts of types of parents, moms and dads. Some of them glued to their phones, others looking at the time like they have to be somewhere else, housewives, and others just gossiping.

Camila didn't feel like she fit in any of those categories as she thought about it but it all quickly goes away when the door opens for the little kids.

Ms. Grande opens the door and soon enough kids begin running out of class happy to see their parents waiting for them. Ariel is not the exception, she runs out of class with her backpack on and a paper in her hand all the way towards Camila as soon as she spots her.

"Mama" she yells running towards a shocked Camila. She stands there in shock after hearing Ariel calling her mama. Camila comes back to reality as Ariel hugs her legs still processing that Ariel called her "mama". She could hear the kids around them yelling "mama" and "mommy".

"That must be why, as I haven't taught her" Camila thinks.

"Look, look" Ariel says, pulling on Camila's shirt to grab her attention. Camila looks down at her and she's met with Ariel's classwork, it was a drawing.

"Wow Monkey, you did it?" She asks looking at it then at the little girl who nods with a bright smile.

"You did a great job"

In the meantime, Lauren is arriving home early from work, well earlier than usual.

She gets home to an empty house as she knows Camila is picking Ariel up from school. She knows their schedule for the day, Camila and Ariel should be arriving any second and sure enough she hears the front door being unlocked as she walks into the kitchen.

She begins to grab everything she needs to prepare a sandwich, as she's quite hungry even though she ate a snack on the way home. She could hear Camila talking with Ariel somewhere in the house.

    She's focused on her lunch when suddenly she hears little steps coming closer to the kitchen, sure enough, Ariel pops into view by the archway.

    Ariel quickly stops as soon as she spots her next to the kitchen isle, not expecting to see her there. Lauren by now is looking at her discreetly as she's finishing preparing her sandwich. She notices the little girl is not scared of her or uncomfortable anymore.

    "Maybe it has to do with us painting the other day" Lauren thinks

    Camila comes into the kitchen but stops on her tracks upon noticing Lauren in there as Ariel is looking at Lauren.

    "I'll get you lunch in a bit Monkey" Camila tells the little girl knowing she's hungry as it's their routine, eating after coming from school. Lauren looks up at Camila once she hears her. "It's alright, I'll do it. I'm already done with mine." Lauren informs her but Camila doesn't say anything.

    Lauren looks at her briefly, taking that as a "yes" and begins working on a sandwich for the little girl but only coming to a stop as she doesn't know what Ariel likes to eat. Camila on the other hand plays dumb as if she's looking for something but she's actually looking at her wife.

    Lauren is about to ask Camila but decides against it and moves to grab the peanut butter and jelly jar. "I think this is the safest choice, unless she's allergic" Lauren thinks but shakes her head as she remembers Ariel eating it before, as she begins to prepare the little girl's lunch.

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