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It's Monday morning and it's time for everyone at the Cabello-Jauregui home to be ready to begin their day.

By now Camila and Ariel are ready for school and work. Lauren on the other hand wakes up late and does not feel well. She feels different and decides not to go to work, not caring if she gets in trouble.

Lauren walks downstairs for something to drink when she bumps into Camila and Ariel.

"Good morning" says Lauren, Camila looks at her. "She looks a bit pale, more than usual" Camila says in her mind. As she's about to respond Ariel catches her attention. "No Ariel, we need to go to school" says Camila before picking up the little girl.

"Ok mama"

Lauren looks at them then walks into the kitchen in need of something to drink. Camila looks at her with worry as Lauren wasn't someone to sleep in late or not going to work out of the blue.

She shakes her head and focuses on Ariel and getting her to school.

It's lunchtime by now when Lauren decides to leave the house as she feels a bit better, making a note in her head to make a doctor's appointment later.

"A walk in the park will help" she says to herself, picking up her camera from the bag in the study. She walks out locking her front door and getting in her car.

Once finding a parking spot in the park, she grabs her camera and gets out of the car. She looks around enjoying the beautiful weather even though a few days ago it was really cold.

As she walks through the park, she lifts the camera to eye level before taking pictures of the lake as ducks swim around. On the other side of the lake there's an old couple, she could see them sitting on a bench facing the lake taking in the nice weather and the peace it brings with it. She adjusts the camera lenses and captures the moment.

After walking around for a couple of hours lost in her world, capturing with her camera whatever that caught her attention. She decides to pay Lucy a visit at the studio and check how their business is doing.

By now it is 2:45pm when Lauren gets to the studio after getting caught by traffic. She gets out of the car and walks towards their building.

"Hi, I'll be there in a second" Lucy yells after hearing the bell from the door. Lauren smiles and shakes her head. As she's about to reach the back of reception Lucy walks out.

"Sorry..." she begins to apologize when she notices who it is.

"Bitch, why didn't you say it's you" she exclaims as Lauren laughs, Lucy rolls her eyes playfully before going back to her desk to continue editing.

"Hey, how have you been? How's the studio doing?" asks Lauren. They began their partnership three years ago as a side job and have been growing since then.

"I've been good, how about you? I haven't heard from you and as business goes it's going great. Although I think we need to hire another receptionist, she's not here as you can see and she didn't even tell me. We have a lot of shoots coming up, events and I might need your help or hire another photographer." she explains, Lauren is surprised at all the booking they have as she looks at the schedule on her own computer.

Lauren hasn't been in the studio since a bit before her fight with Camila.

"Dude you hungry?" Want to order something for lunch?" Lucy asks, looking at her for a second before looking back at her computer screen.

"Yeah sure but nothing crappy, I've been feeling sick from something I ate the other day" Lauren says before looking back at her screen.

"Sick? Since when do you get sick? Maybe you are pregnant" Lucy says, teasing her, knowing about Camila's condition. "Ha, ha! Very funny..." she says rolling her eyes

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