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    "Mija, how are you really doing?" asks Sinu to her daughter. Camila is with her eyes closed, she takes a deep breath before opening her eyes, turning to look at her mother.

    "It's... it's really hard, I mean, I feel like something is missing." Camila explains, knowing she's not remembering some things but doesn't know exactly what it is.

    Sinu looks at her daughter and she can only imagine how hard it is for her.

    "It's going to be okay mija, what do you remember?" Sinu asks from her chair next to Camila's hospital bed. "Why does everyone keep asking? What are you guys not telling me?" Camila raises her voice, frustrated.

    Sinu looks at her daughter and shakes her head no. "We can't tell you, the doctor recommended for you to remember by yourself" Camila turns away from her mother and looks out the window, lost in her world trying to remember.

    "What I remember is that I'm in school and although I'm not proud of what I'm going to say, I'll just say it. I was a player but not anymore." Camila says quickly the last part before getting a reaction from her mom, which never comes.

    Camila turn to look at her mom confused, which was visible on her face.

    "I already knew that, you change because of Lauren" says Sinu causing Camila to look surprised, blushing. "You love her" Sinu says to her daughter. Camila opens and closes her mouth repeatedly, words not coming out.

    "Yeah, I do" she admits at the end, knowing it would be in vain to lie about it.

    Sinu wishes she could tell her daughter but the doctors advise them not to do it, at least for now. The door to the room opens and Lauren walks in. She was expecting to have some time alone with Camila but her mother is already there.

    "Hey Lo! Why aren't you at school?" asks Camila, Lauren turns to Sinu who shakes her head no. Lauren doesn't like what they decided but hasn't said anything.

    "Oh... umm... I skipped" Lauren says being the first thing that comes into mind.

    Camila furrows her eyebrows. "But you never skip," she says as a matter of fact. "For you I do," Lauren says, causing Camila to blush. Sinu could see the effect Lauren still has on her daughter.

    "I'll go and grab something to drink," says Sinu, leaving them alone. Lauren looks at her wide-eyed. "It's fine," Sinu whispers when she passes her daughter-in-law.

    "How do you feel?" asks Lauren once they are alone. Camila sighs, "What's wrong?" asks Lauren worried, moving closer to her wife's side. "I'm tired of answering that question, it's always the same" Camila looks up at Lauren and furrows her eyebrows.

    "What's wrong? There's something different with you" Camila states. Lauren looks up quickly, her heart beating faster.

    "W-what do you mean?" asks Lauren, heart beating faster and feeling nervous adjusting her shirt. "I can't pinpoint it right now but something is different." Camila says looking at her, studying every inch of Lauren's body.

    Lauren gets uncomfortable and begins shifting on her spot.

    "So you remember anything?" Lauren asks, trying to change the topic. Camila looks at Lauren's eyes and sighs once again. "Every time I try to remember anything my head begins hurting."

    The girls continue talking just like when they were younger. Lauren realizes how much she missed it until now, how much they have changed through the years. The girls have been so into their conversation that they didn't even notice Sinu coming, sitting on the chair near the door.

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