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Camila and Ariel were finally done with the medical check-up and now on their way out of the hospital. As they walk towards Lauren's car Camila is going through her mental list of all the things she needs to buy while Ariel is entertained with her lollipop.

    They get to the car and Camila secures little Ariel with the seatbelt. "Monkey be a good girl okay" Camila tells her as she didn't have a carseat and she's now by herself as Lauren left.

    Camila and Ariel arrived at ToysRUs as she thought it was fitting and also wanted to buy her some toys. "Come on Ariel, we need to buy some things for you" the little girl just looks at Camila as she didn't know what she meant.

    After a quiet drive aside from the disney music they get to the store, Camila walks into the store and sits Ariel in the shopping cart. The little hazel eyed girl begins to fuss, her hands holding into Camila's forearms. "It's okay Ariel, look" Camila points to some toys distracting her as she pushes the cart through the store.

    Ariel gets distracted and begins looking around at all the toys. Camila smiles looking at her and makes her way to the aisle where they have everything to baby proof her home.

    As Camila is looking at everything, trying to figure out what she needs to get a little kid runs into her. "Hey little guy, be careful" Camila tells him. "I'm sorry Miss he just..." a woman's voice says and Camila looks up recognizing the voice, only to find Dinah standing in front of her.

    "Oh my God! Mila!" Dinah exclaims excitedly hugging her friend. "Dinah!" Camila hugs her tightly. The girls smile looking at each other. "I haven't seen you in a long time" says Dinah and her little brother stands next to her. "I know, like two or three years. What have you been up to?" Camila asks her excitedly as she reunites with her best friend.


    "Give me a second Mila" says Dinah as she hears her mom calling for her again. She walks away for a few seconds then she's back alone.

    "Okay back to it, I've been fine. I already finished nursing school and I'm already working" Dinah tells her. "That's great" "What about you Mila?"

    "Well for starters I followed my dreams to be a songwriter as you know and it's great, I love it" Camila tells her happily when she feels Ariel pulling on her shirt. She turns around and picks her up in her arms.

    "Oh wow, you didn't tell me you have a kid. Where's Lauren by the way?" Dinah looks around but doesn't see her and her attention is back on the little girl.

    "Hi there baby" says Dinah in her baby voice to Ariel, who hides on Camila's neck.

    "Monkey don't hide, say hi to Aunty Dinah" says Camila but Ariel continues hiding. "and to answer your question, I'm fostering her. I'm here to buy some things for her and for the inspection of the house" Camila informs Dinah, completely ignoring the part about Lauren as she didn't want to talk about her.

    "Aww she's so cute, she even looks like a mix of you guys" Dinah says as she looks at Ariel. After talking some more Dinah ends up helping Camila with what she might need to buy as she has experience with kids.

    "How old is she by the way?" asks Dinah as Camila looks at diapers.

    "She's three but she hasn't been potty trained, today we went for a check-up and they told me I need to start" Camila says, turning to look at her friend briefly.

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