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After last night's argument between Lauren and Camila, they haven't said a word to each other.

    Camila wakes up late this morning after having difficulty sleeping last night, she wakes up to an empty bed. By empty bed I mean not even Ariel was with her.

    "Fuck, I overslept" Camila quickly gets out of bed, stumbling, running downstairs to look for Ariel.

    "Ariel?" She calls her name but she only hears the tv as she walks down the hall, towards the living room.

    Camila is surprised to find Arile watching the Lion King, yup, Lauren's dvd movie. The little girl is so into the movie that she hasn't noticed Camila.

    Ariel is sitting on the floor with a bowl of cereal and her sippy cup with juice, some cheerios on the floor. The only explanation is that Lauren gave her "breakfast" to Ariel before she left for work, a smile appears on her face at the thought.

    "Good morning monkey" says Camila walking closer to Ariel, kissing her head. The hazel eyed girl looks at her briefly before going back to watching the movie which was around thirty minutes from ending.

    After checking on Ariel, Camila takes this as an opportunity to go take a quick shower and get ready for her day.

    Once Camila is ready for her day she makes her way downstairs, Ariel is still watching the movie but now with an empty bowl. She makes her way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

    "Ariel" calls Camila walking towards the living room where the little girl is, by now the movie has just ended. "Just on time" Camila thinks.

    "Do you want yum-yum?" asks Camila as Ariel associates it to eating, while handing her a piece of banana.

    "Yum" says Ariel before taking a little bite, Camila takes this as a yes and picks her up. They make their way back to the kitchen and sit Ariel on her highchair where her breakfast awaits.

    It's around and Camila wants to surprise Lauren at work. She wants to make an effort in their relationship and give her attention, for her to see she's not just focused on the little girl.

    "Come on Ariel we are going to surprise Lolo" She grabs Ariel as she is playing with her toys and makes her way upstairs to get change.

    They have arrived at Lauren's work and Camila is taking Ariel out of her carseat. "Let's get you out of this" She carries the little girl and closes the door of her car.

    "Are you excited? We are going to surprise Lolo." Camila speaks to her, this is something she's been doing hoping the little girl will pick up some words.

    Camila and Ariel walk into the building and stop by the front desk. "Good morning, how may I help you?" asks the young brunette with a smile. "Hello, I'm here to see Lauren Cabello-Jauregui" Camila smiles as she lightly bounces Ariel in her arms. "Ms. do you have an appointment?" "Oh, no, I'm her wife. I didn't know I needed an appointment" Camila says. "Mrs. Cabello-Jauregui it's alright, I thought you were here for something else. Let me just get you a pass. Do you want me to notify your wife?" asks the receptionist as she types in the computer.

    "No it's fine, I want to surprise her" the young brunette nods and hands Camila a pass. "By the way your daughter is so beautiful" "Thank you" Camila says, feeling butterflies in her stomach as she smiles, thinking of Ariel as her daughter. She says her goodbyes to the brunette and makes her way to the elevator.

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