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    It's the weekend, a free weekend in the Cabello-Jauregui household, something that doesn't happen often.

    It's morning and Lauren wakes up late, taking advantage of not having to go to work.

    The green-eyed girl stretches in bed letting out a sigh, she turns on her side and opens her eyes to an empty bed. This is something she hasn't gotten used to, she doesn't want to admit it but it kills her not waking up next to Camila and even Ariel.

    She turns on her back and sits up before getting out of bed, she goes directly to the bathroom to take a shower to start her day. Meanwhile downstairs, Camila and Ariel have been awake for some time now.

    This morning Ariel had woken up energetic, going all around the house playing with her toys.

    "Ariel, monkey?" Camila calls for her as she makes her way towards the living room, not hearing any movement. When she gets there she finds the little girl watching Sesame Street, sitting on the couch swirling side to side. A show the little Ariel had a liking for as of recent.

    "Monkey, it's time to eat, yum-yum" Camila says and Ariel turns to her clapping her hands. "Yum-yum" says the little girl before getting down the couch. Camila picks her up, kissing her cheek as they head towards the kitchen.

    Lauren is on her way downstairs when she hears Camila talking to Ariel, she's in the archway of the kitchen by now. "You want a piece of fruit" says Camila, handing it to Ariel, who accepts it happily.

    "Good morning" Lauren says to them, Camila looks up at her and her smile vanishes immediately. "Morning" It's obvious Camila is still mad at her. "Yum-yum!" exclaims Ariel wanting Camila's attention. "Give me a second monkey" Camila walks towards Ariel's highchair setting her breakfast down. She secures the little girl on her chair and Ariel begins to eat.

    Lauren looks at her wife, Camila, making it seem like she's been doing it for a long time.

    "There's a plate for you if you want to eat" Camila tells her, bringing her out of her thoughts. "Oh, yeah, thanks" Lauren says to her quietly, not wanting to upset her even more.

    Camila grabs her plate from the kitchen aisle and makes her way to the table. Lauren looks at her briefly then grabs her plate, going to the table to eat with them. While they eat, Camila ignores her presence and only speaks to Ariel.

    Lauren is the first one to finish eating breakfast, feeling uncomfortable with Camila's behavior towards her. She gets up and quietly walks to the sink to wash her dirty plate before leaving, going out to the backyard.

    Camila the whole time discreetly looks at her wife, there are so many thoughts going around her head not sure what to believe.

    Lauren walks out to their backyard, a neglected backyard. Even though they are well established, Camila and Lauren always agreed to do their chores not wanting to have people helping them as they are capable of doing them.

    She quickly begins working on their backyard, cutting the grass along with cleaning their pool which they don't use as often as they used to.

    It was a hot Saturday in Miami, Lauren looked around her backyard proud of her work. It was her first time doing it as Camila was always the one to do it but since Ariel came she hasn't had time.

    She wipes the sweat from her forehead and heads inside, upstairs to continue with laundry since she is the one who always does it. On her way downstairs to the laundry room, she notices Camila by herself in the living room. "It's now or never"

    "Okay, that's it, what's going on? I already fixed my study so it's not that" Lauren says putting the hamper down, her frustration noticeable in her voice. Camila turns to look at her, not expecting her wife to confront her.

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