Crying Skies

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Queen Akari Alex Uchiha- 37 years old

King Itachi Uchiha- 39 years old

Hidan- 44 years old (No longer immortal)

Kakuzu- 113 years old (Immortal- Looks 40 years old)

Deidara- 39 years old

Sasori- 53 years old

Pein Alex- 52 years old

Konan 'Alex'- 51 years old

Kisame- 55 years old

Former King Bello Alex- 64 years old

Shisui Uchiha- 39 years old

Sasuke Uchiha- 34 years old

Sadara 'Uzumaki' Uchiha- 12 years old

Karin Uzumaki 'Uchiha'- 34 years old

Narrator POV

After the funeral, the weather took a turn for the worst. Lighting, heavy rain and strong wind. Just like everyone grieving, mother nature is grieving in her own way.

 Queen Akari stands inside of the large conference room, staring out of the window. Her eyes looking out but not capturing anything. Her mind trying to wrap her head around of the situation. But no matter what she thinks, her mind shuffle everything again. 'How could I let this happen?' She started to think to herself. Depressed. What felt like centuries, arguing into nothingness, in her mind, the door opens softly, and people started to file in. 

Queen Akari didn't pay any mind and waited for everyone to take a seat. Hidan, Kakuzu, Deidara, Sasori, Prince Pein, Konan, Kisame, Former King Bello, Fukagu, Shisui, Sasuke and King Itachi, taking a seat at the head of the conference table. She sighed. She turns and face the people sitting at the table. 

She walks over and sat next to her husband and letting him take charge. "As some of you know, Obito was found dead. He was decapitated and was found by his daughter." King Itachi started. Some of the other guys grimaced. That's something they don't want their family to see if themselves were killed out of spite. 

"Right now, we have two theories. One, the culprit is after the former members of the Akatsuki's, two, the culprit could be after members of the Uchiha Clan. When Obito's head and body was retrieved, his eyes were missing." He continued. Fukagu, Sasuke and Shisui all stared at King Itachi. 

"Whoever is this culprit must have knowledge of Obito's work schedule. Which varies on certain days. But no matter how late it gets, Obito always goes home. There's a possibility that one of my staff members works with this culprit and could share any other information." Queen Akari jumped in.

 "Currently, besides the fact that Obito's eyes is missing, yours and your families' lives could also be in danger. We don't have any leads of the sorts, but we decided it's best for you all and your family to stay in the castle. To be safe." King Itachi continued. 

"And to be our eyes and ears within these walls." Queen Akari finished. The King and Queen looking at the former members of the Akatsuki's. "I accept." Kakuzu said, making the rest of the group to agree. Queen Akari gave them a soft smile. 

"Thank you. However, even in this castle, make sure no one is alone. Even your children. Have them pair up either in the groups of two or three. The younger children will be always with my father. He will supervise them during the day and train them. We all will take shifts. The castle never sleeps. Guards and staff come in and out throughout the night. The idea is to hear and see anything out of the ordinary. Every three days, we will meet up for a meeting, but if its urgent, send for me or Itachi." Queen Akari said. 

Then King Itachi looks over to his father, brother, best friend/cousin. "Since Obito's eyes are missing and due to our theories, the Leaf Village could also be in danger. We already informed the situation to the Hokage, and Queen Akari sent over a protective seal that Ayumu would be the only one to activate and the only one to deactivate it. It will be placed around the Leaf Village and as well around the Uchiha Clan Compound. But since the three of you are here, along with your wives and family, it's best you three stays as well. For yours and your family protection." King Itachi said. 

"Thank you, Itachi and Akari but I'm the Head of our Clan back in the Leaf. I can't hide here, knowing there could be a possible attack onto the Leaf, threaten our civilians and my clan members. I must be there on the front lines and make sure everyone else is safe." Sasuke said maturely. 

"I agree with Sasuke. I may not be the Head of the Uchiha Clan anymore, but I do have responsibilities of protecting the village and the Hokage. But thank you." Fugaku said, looking at his eldest son and his daughter-in-law. "However, I will let Sadara, and Daisuke stay. Given they haven't seen their cousins in a while, I feel this will be good for them. And let mom stay as well." Sasuke said. Fugaku was okay with the arrangement. 

"Very well. It's been decided. Everyone, let your families know about what will be expected and please stay safe you two." Queen Akari said, concluding the meeting.

Time Skip

Hours passed and the storm subsided. It was still gray and getting dark but Sasuke and Fukagu wanted to leave to get a head start with their journey. 

They explained everything to their wives. Mikoto was okay staying behind. Karin decided to go with her husband. Since she's the wife of the Head of the Uchiha Clan, it's her duty to be by his side. And the fact she's also a doctor, the people are going to need her.

 Sadara wanted to go with her parents. She loves her cousins and all, but she felt as a future Genin, she should be by her parents' side and help them if need be. But her father and mother wanted her safety.

 Though she may gained her Sharingan recently, it's not as advanced as her older cousins. She could hold her own, but if someone was strong and capable enough of killing Obito, then they don't know whom they will be up against. 

With teary eyes, trying her best not trying to cry in front of her parents, her younger brother and family that was behind her, she gave her father first a tight hug. "Papa, please stay safe." Sadara whispered. Sasuke hugs his daughter in a tight embrace, kissing the top of her head. 

"Thank you Sasa. Train with your cousins and always stay with them. Watch over your brother and make sure he doesn't cause any troubles. I'll be back before you know it." Sasuke said to her. Sadara nodded and hugged her mother and her grandfather. Sasuke looks over at his family and gave them one of his rare smiles. Then, it wasn't long till Sasuke, Karin and Fugaku took off.  

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