Old Family Drama

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Uuka Cado- 40 years old

Dahlia Cado Uchiha- 37 years old

Narrator POV

Dahlia heard what happened to her brother and she doesn't know what to do. She feels guilty. Her husband's dies and her brother suddenly got attack.

 She's happy that Uuka turned out alright but worry troubles her. 

"I'm okay, Dahlia, please don't worry too much about me." Uuka said.

 The two are currently in Uuka's office, in the hospital.

 "Of course, I'm going to worry about you. You're my brother. If Itachi-Sama didn't come last night, to check on you, then who knows what could have happened. And you should have taken a break or something. Why are you're working today?" Dahlia asked. 

"Because Dahlia, I'm the head of this hospital and head of our clan. It's my duty to work. If I slack off, it will take a while to keep up with the work." Uuka said, signing some forms. 

"What happened to your assistants?" Dahlia continued to ask more questions. 

Uuka sigh. "One just gave birth to her first baby, so, she'll be out for a while, the second one is on a family vacation that she already put in schedule since last year and the third one had to resign for meanwhile to take care of her mother. So, right now, it's just me taking care of the workload." Uuka said.

 "You see, if you didn't have so much to do, you wouldn't had to bring them home, and then you wouldn't have gotten attack. I just lost my husband, and I wouldn't know what I do if you were gone too." Dahlia started to cry. 

Uuka stop what he was doing and got up from his seat.

 He walked around his desk and sat next to his younger sister. He embraces her in a tight hug.

 "Shh. I'm sorry." Uuka said softly.

 After a few minutes, Dahlia calm down again. "I'm sorry." She sniffs. 

"No. I see why you are concern." Uuka started. "Okay, once I hire some assistants, I promise to take a break. And the fact I never had the chance to look at the documents from the undergrounds, I don't even know what was missing." Uuka said.

 Dahlia looks at her brother. "That was all? Someone broke in to grab some documents from the undergrounds?" Dahlia asked. 


"That's weird. The only people that should know about the whereabouts of the undergrounds is someone from the Head of the Cado clan. My late husband and my children don't know anything about it. Does your family know?" Dahlia asks. 

Uuka shook his head. "No. I know Faraja and I have been together for many years, but I never told her. I haven't even gone down there as in yet. My children wouldn't be able to get there without knowing the Justus to go in." Uuka said. 

"And it's not like grampa would have told anyone." Dahlia said.

"You're pr.." Uuka stop speaking and stare at his sister. 

"What?" She asks.

 "There could be a slim chance, but do you remember, Apollo Cado, grampa's younger brother?" Uuka ask her. "No? I thought grampa had only a sister?" Dahlia said. 

"Well, he did, but they also had a younger brother. More like, baby brother. Grampa's father had Apollo with another woman because he felt grampa wasn't ready to take over has the Head of the Cado clan, despite grampa being like twenty-three at the time. And it wasn't long till then he married and had kids of his own." Uuka said. 

"Whoa. But I don't remember Apollo at all." Dahlia said back.

 "Hm. Then grampa must have made sure you never run path with him. I, on the other hand, met Apollo a few times. Especially, during the time, our father was sick." Uuka said, unconsciously clenching his hands.

 "So, then what happened to him? You and grampa never spoke about him before." Dahlia said. 

"That's because grampa warned me to never tell you the truth and why Apollo is never around our compound. And why he's shunned from the Cado's clan." Uuka, started. 

"Apollo is the main reasons why our father died. Like I mentioned, Apollo was born because their father thought grampa wasn't fit to be the Head of the Clan. By the time Aunty Nefertiti was born, their father pass away. Grampa was like thirty-six and Apollo was like thirteen. The elders deem Apollo too young to become the Head of the Cado clan and the fact he didn't have the Byakugou Seal, like Grampa did, the clan made Grampa the Head. Apollo always remembered their father teachings and believe he was the true heir, but no one really gave him any time of day. The elders spoke with grampa stating, they prefer to have his line continue of being the Head of the Cado clan. Apollo wasn't happy about that. Anyhow, by the time dad had us, grampa was going to retire and had our father become the Head, but as you know our father became sick. We have one of the best doctors and healers, but nothing was working for him. Grampa tried everything. He asked Apollo for help, but Apollo told him, if he helps our father, he should become the Head. Grampa didn't care and agreed. But instead of helping our dad, Apollo poisoned him instead and got caught by you. You were about three at that time and you were very gifted. You knew right away that whatever he was using wasn't right. You called for help, grampa and many others found him red-handed. Instead of sending him to jail, they banished Apollo, and he was never seen." Uuka said finally. 

Tears rolled down her face once again. "I.II don't remember any of that." Dahlia said.

 "That's because, one of the elders gave you a potion that made you forget. Dad loves you more than anything and you were his pride and joy. They didn't want you to suffer at a young age, so that is why you don't remember when you were young. I wasn't even supposed to tell you this, but you must know." Uuka said. 

Dahlia choked on her tears. "Tthank yyou, fforr telling mmee." She sobs. Dahlia wipes her tears away again and tried to calm herself. 

"Then, if this is Apollo's doing, what do you think, he's after?" Uuka shook his head. 

"I don't know. I've heard things from our clan members that, Apollo used to do unauthorized surgeries and illegal experiments. He would heal things, that didn't need healing and try to explore his medical abilities." He responded.

 "If you want, I can look at the documents. And help you anyways. I'm not ready to go to work and I don't want to be coup up in the castle. I can smell him there and I just need something to occupy my mind." Dahlia asks. 

"That is no problem for me. We have the extra guess rooms too. Are the kids coming?" Uuka ask.

 "Um, Akari thinks it's best for all the children of the former members of the Akatsuki's to stay at the castle for the meantime, due to, you know. Until they figure out, who's behind this whole mess." Dahlia explains. 

"That make sense. But let's head over there. I promise Faraja that I would leave work early anyhow. I'm sure she will be happy to see you again." Dahlia nodded and slowly got up.

 Uuka grab his other things and both siblings walked out the door.

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