In The Works

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Princess Adesina Alexi Uchiha- 6 years old

Queen Akari Alexi Uchiha- 37 years old

King Itachi Uchiha- 39 years old

Uuka Cado- 40 years old

Narrator POV

It's been about a full week since Obito's burial. Even though the castle is always full of people, the castle feels so quiet. Even with the former members of the Akatsuki's and their family living under the castle's roof, the atmosphere hasn't changed.

 Dahlia's still grieving at the loss of her husband and the father of her children. Her youngest child and daughter, Sana, who was in shock, had her memories sealed. It was Dahlia's request. She didn't want her daughter to wake up with nightmares every night. Shisui was the one to do it. He understood completely. 

Anyhow, the work life in the castle returned to normal. The staff continued to work their assigned jobs, guards continued to work their post and on a timely manner, the children's continued with their trainings and studies. After a long busy day, everyone returned to their quarters. Then it wasn't long till everyone except for the night guards went to sleep. 

Well, except for the King and Queen, they don't sleep.

 The King and Queen laying, holding each other on the bed. In deep thought. The room is quiet. After a while, King Itachi spoke. "How is he?" He asked. His wife sighs. "He's fine. Well not fine. He's quite upset. He wants to come back." She said softly. "Ah. He knows he can't, right? Well not right now anyhow." He replied. "I know and I told him that. Not until every..." "Mommy?"

 The couple shot their heads up, looking to see who came inside of their room. Little Adesina Alex Uchiha. Their only daughter and forth child. Six years old. 

"What's wrong baby?" Queen Akari asked, sitting up. Adesina walked closer to the bed. Her father, turned to his side and pull her up, to have her join them. Even though the room was bit dark, the couple were able to see the facial expression on their daughter's face.

 "What's wrong, honey? Did you have a bad dream?" Adesina shook her head yes. "Do you want to talk about it?" The mother asks. "I saw Uncle Uuka in my dreams. I know he works a lot, but he went to sleep on the floor instead on the bed. But I think he spilled something on the floor." Adesina said looking at her parents. 

The parents had a confuse look on their face and share a look with each other. "What do you think he spilled?" Her father jumped in. "It looks like blood but a lot. The only reason why I was scared because he was looking at me. But something told me to turn around and which I need. I couldn't see the face, but someone was there. She said sorry. And ran away. But I think uncle needs help." Adesina finished.

 King Itachi slips out from under the covers and headed to the closet to get dress. Queen Akari already read his mind. Adesina looks at her mother. "Where's daddy going, mommy?" She asked. Her blue eyes staring right at her mothers. 

Queen Akari smiles. "Daddy is going to check on uncle and to make sure he's okay." She said, touching her daughter's small nose. Only for her to laugh. "And it's super late, you need to go to bed, young lady." She continued. "But I can't. I'm scared I'm going to see uncle on the ground again. What if I see something else bad?" Adesina started to whine. 

"Oh dear, don't you worry, I'm here and ready to catch any bad dreams." Queen Akari said. "Okay. But can I stay here with you, until daddy comes back. I promise I won't make too much noise." Adesina asked. King Itachi came out dressed. He walks over to his daughter and his wife and kiss them on the top their heads. 

"I'll be back Princess. Protect mommy." He joked. "Yes sir." Adesina salute. Making her parents smile at her antics. Her father left, leaving the two. "Well, that means you can stay right here." Queen Akari said. "Yay." Her daughter cheered.

Time Skip

Four hours later

Adesina, already in a deep sleep, her mother decided to put her back in her own bed. Queen Akari place a calming Justu around her, to ease her dreams.

 Queen Akari sigh. 

She knew that her children would inherit some of her gifts, but she didn't expect her daughter to develop them so early. 

Adesina showed signs of knowing the future when she started to talk, at age one. But it was in bits. But as the years progressed, more and more futures were showed to her. 

Queen Akari didn't mind it, it just, she didn't want her daughter growing up fast than she needed to. She remembered when she was younger, she was the same as Adesina, showing great signs of power. 

But due to Dachi being power hungry, her gifts had to be seal until she was ready. She thought of sealing Adesina's gifts until she's a bit older and that way, she can enjoy her time as a kid and worry about the other stuff later. But she knew she would have to talk to her husband about it

 And speaking about husband, he finally walks inside of their quarters. 

Leaving her daughter's room and into the living room, her husband sat on the couch. She could see his hair sticking to each other. "She was right again, was she?" Queen Akari asked softly. King Itachi sat back. "Yes, she was." He said looking at her, extending his hand out to her. She took it and let him lead her back to him. She sat comfortably on his lap. 

"He's, okay?" She asked softly. King Itachi sigh. "Thank Kami we got there in time. Uuka went home to get some files he accidently left behind and needed to work on them in his office before morning rounds. His wife wasn't home because she's also at work. Their son is at one of his friends' homes. Their second daughter is away, spending time with the older daughter.  Whoever broken in, went into the underground and took some old documents out. Uuka said, he never had time to look though those documents and wasn't sure what's missing. He's back in the hospital, he's getting stitches. But before we left, only one person's name was found on a folder but no documents." He said to her.

 His wife slightly turns her head to face him. "Whose name?" She asked.

 "Sumire Cadet." 

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