Unknown Foe

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Unknown POV

Woken up not too long ago, I was brought back to the very place, that started this mess and to the very person I wish I never made a deal with.

 Seeing him again makes me so angry and I'm not one to wish bad things on anyone but I wish, he died during Dachi's regime.

 "Finally awake. She did hit hard this time." I didn't have to turn my head to know it was him. 

I took-in in my surroundings and I must say, he sure outdid himself. I wonder if his clan knows he's still alive all these times.

Feeling a comfy couch beneath me, I quickly sat up and placed my feet on the ground. I looked up and finally clash my eyes to his light grey eyes. "Why am I brought here? I thought we had a deal." I said, slightly glaring at him.

 He chuckled and stared at me and then slowly walking forward, placing his arms behind his back. "We did but you never did your part. And because of that I'm going to hunt down all of them until I get what I fully want." He spoke.

 "But they aren't what you want. What's the point of hunting them down? You killed Obito of all people." I spoke. Crossing my arms. 

He finally made it to where I was sitting and squatted down to face me. "Well, I want to show you how serious I am. True they aren't what I'm aiming for but getting rid of some pest will be useful for me. And I got myself a present as well." He replied. 

He pointed out to a jar sitting on the coffee table. Red eyes float inside of it. I freaked out. "WHA...?" "Hahahaha. Your reaction is very amusing. That right there are Obito's eyes. The Sharingan. I heard powers of those eyes and just imagine what I could do with those." He said, smiling.

 I look at him. "You're insane." I spat. "Not insane enough. And there's more. But that will be at the end of the bucket list for now. Anyhow, I need you to do what I told you to do before. If you don't, I will do more than kill Obito. I will get your family involve. Just imagine the look of your children's and husband's face once they hear your hidden secret." He laughs.

 I glared. I slightly pushed him away and stand up. "You promised you won't say anything. Do you know this could ruin my marriage, my children would hate me for this, and who knows, the whole world could be after me." I berated him. 

He stayed quiet for a moment. "Then you know what needs to be done." He spoke. I sighed loudly. "Then why don't you send your little minion to do it. I know she was the one that killed Obito. Clearly, she's strong enough to get to Dachi." I said glaring. 

He took a step forward. "If memory serve you right, a seal has been placed on him. So, if anyone tries to kill him, she will be alerted immediately. I can't send my precious to kill Dachi. The Queen will kill her." He spoke. 

"She was supposed to be dead to begin with, but you somehow kept her alive." I replied. 

If looks could kill, I would be dead with the way he's looking at me. 

"The only way, I can end Dachi once and for all, is if Queen Akari is either in a deep sleep comatose state or dead. And I don't care for either of the one." He spoke louder. 

I could feel the back of my eyes sting. "I..I can't do that." I whisper softly and shaking my head.

 "Then, I am going to go after the Akatsuki's, their innocent children, their wives, I'm going to go after your family, your grandkids, heck, I'm might as well go after some more Uchiha's to get more of their eyes while I'm on it. I don't care. If more people must die because of you, then so be it. Their bloods will be in your hands. Then, it won't be long till your secrets is out." He spoke. 

"Why are you like this?" I whispered. 

"Because of him, I lost my duty of serving late King Aasir. Because of him, my own clan disowned me. Because of him, my wife and my kids are dead. I buried them with my own two hands. While he gets to roamed, while he gets to breathe, live, that makes me so angry. I don't care about that stupid seal the Queen placed on him; I don't care he's serving out his sentenced. That sorry excuse of a man needs to die by my hands. And I will make that happened." He said angrily.

 Tears rolls down on my cheeks. "But thanks to you, I was able to have a daughter I could call my own. Even though she doesn't have my blood, I had the chance of raising a child. I had the chance to love her, teach her, trained her, and do all the fatherly and daughterly stuff." He whispered. 

"Then you got something out of it. Why throw that away for a man who is destined to die? Why can't you let that go and focus your life with her and leave everyone else away from it. They have nothing to do with that man and I don't. The Queen is doing what is best and you need to let it be." I argued.


 My face suddenly turned to the left. My cheek burns.

 I slowly brought my left hand onto my cheek and slowly look at him.

 He lowered his right hand. 

He slapped me.

 "That is not enough. That man soul doesn't belong in the land of living. And I will make it my mission to send him to hell myself. And you will do as I say before you know what's good for you." He said with ugly glare. 

More tears continue to flow out of my eyes. "Why me?" I spoke softly. 

"Because you are of the few people Queen Akari trust. I'm giving you this vile. This is extremely potent. It's colorless and odorless. For regular folks like us, one small drop can instantly kill us. Maybe five-to-ten-minute window of creating the perfect antidote to save a life. However, half of this will be able to put her in a coma state. All of this can kill her, again without the antidote." He gave me a small crystal glass vile. 

The liquid looks like water.

 "While she's down, Dachi will be mine." 

"Where's the antidote?" I asked him. 

"I didn't create any. It's up to you. How you want this to go. If you pour half, she's in a coma state, but she will eventually recover from it. But she will pinpoint that it was you that tried to kill her, and you know what will come after that. Or pour the whole thing, kill her and you won't have to worry about that. Your secret will be safe, your family will be safe, your marriage will be safe." He said grinning. 

I stared at him.

 "Anyhow, time of the essence. I got work to do. You have a week." 

Moments later, she came back in.

 "It's sad to hear that my own flesh and blood didn't want me around."

 Was the last thing I heard before getting knocked out. Again.

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