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Friendly POV

I stared up into the dark sky, counting the stars. I don't know why, but counting the stars relaxed me. That's why I loved being in the countryside. There were always millions of stars. Once I got up to one thousand, I rubbed the back of my neck and began doing my usual criss-cross walk in the deep, white snow. I rested my right hand in my left palm behind my back and watched my feet sink into the thick white sheet covering the wide meadow.  

I suddenly heard a soft whine in my ear and I turned my head to the large, white wolf walking beside me.  

"Hey, buddy." I greeted, stroking its soft fur. I sighed, contently and stared back up into the sky.  

It's been five years since I became a guardian. It's a big responsibility and to be honest, I'm honoured. I haven't been happier than I am now. I even let my self giggle every time I think about how lucky I am. To live in this perfect world and watch it develop, watch the children grow and watch the new ones learn and discover. I pretty much live at North's at the moment. Me and Jack have been discussing getting a place of our own but both of us love the workshop so much we just can't find the heart to leave yet. North was kind enough to get the yetis to make a small extension on the end of the workshop for us. It's our own little private area. My favourite part is the large windows in the study, towering from the ground to the very top of the room. If I'm inside, that's where I stare at the stars. 

I notice that it's time to head back and take a deep breath of the cool air before turning around. I jump when I come face to face with striking blue eyes and a big smirk. 

"Jack! You scared the living daylights out of me!" I shrieked, glaring at the laughing winter spirit. 

Jack pointed at me and continued to laugh. I folded my arms and sighed, irritated. "You should have seen your face!" He retorted.  

I give him a light shove and he composes his laughter. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry." He apologises, softly as he plays with my white hair. 

"What are you doing here? I told you I was gonna meet you at the pole in an hour." I pouted. 

"I wanted to surprise you." He smiled that one smile that makes my heart skip a beat before his cold lips crushed down on mine. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck, returning his passionate kisses. Every kiss sent chills through my body. I should be used to it by now, but every time he kisses me it feels more magical than the first time we ever kissed. I can't help it. I'm head over heels for the guy. 

After a few minuets I pulled away and smirked at him before yanking his hood over his head and flying off, giggling. Jack pulled his hood back and chased after me. 

"Hey! No fair, Ghosty, get back here!" He shouted, laughing at the same time.  

"Make me!" I shouted back. Everybody knew that I was faster than him but I slowed down on purpose and let him catch up with me. We grinned at each other and he intwined his fingers with mine. Light wrapped itself around my waist, being too lazy to fly on it's own.  

Jack poked it. "Hey, c'mon, Light, that area's for my hands only." He joked.  

I rolled my eyes at the winter spirit and began flying at top speed so I was practically dragging him behind me. Jack laughed and I winked at him as we headed to the North Pole.

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