Chapter 8 Christmas Is Always Fun With Friendly Around

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Friendly POV

"Hey, c'mon, Light! This isn't funny, cut it out!" Jack yelled as Light danced around the room. She had shifted into an identical copy of him and was making him look like a right idiot. I almost collapsed with how hard I was laughing, and I could tell the others were on the brink of tears. Our laughter filled the dining room, echoing through the workshop making curious yetis and elves peak through the doorways, only to join in with the laughter. We had all gathered in here for Christmas dinner. Since I don't eat, I usually sat there with no plate in front of me and talked to the others. Right now, Jack was yelling at Light who was dancing around like an idiot in the form of Jack while we all laughed. 

"Jack, you look so retarded!" I gasp between my laughter. 

"But that's not me!! Light, stop it! I'm not a ballerina- what the hell!? My legs can't even stretch that far!"  

Bunny banged his fist on the table, clutching his stomach. He could barely breathe. I could tell he wanted to say something but I think I knew what he wanted to say so I spoke for him. 

"Oh my god! Light! Make him wear a tutu!" I scream, laughing so hard my stomach was in knots. Light immediately follows my order and shifts into another version of Jack, wearing a frilly tutu. Jack's jaw dropped and his face turned crimson red with humiliation. The other's burst out laughing much harder than before and North very nearly knocked over his drink.

" idea! That is brilliant!" Bunny shouts, almost falling over. Jack growls and runs his hand through his hair. 

"Light, cut it out! It's not funny!" He shouts. 

"Then why the hell are we laughing!?" I squeal, taking a deep breath before laughing again. Jack pulls a poker face and Light makes her hair longer, putting it in pigtails and weeping like a little girl. Jack's face was practically purple when me and Bunny collapsed to the floor. 

"I...can't...breathe! OMG!" I laugh. Jack facepalms. After a few more minuets of uncontrollable laughter I take a few deep breaths to calm down. "O-okay, Light! I think he's had enough!" I say before bursting out laughing once again. Light pouts but floats over to me, shifting back into a wolf. Jack folds his arms and glares at me as if it was all my fault. I raise my arms into a 'W' and raise an eyebrow, still giggling. He groans and walks off angrily. I eventually stop laughing and sigh but the others continue. 

"Ooh, someone's a little peeved!" Bunny snorts. I roll my eyes and smile reassuringly at them before leaving my seat and following him. I stop halfway and spin on my heels to face Light. I put my hands on my hips and Light backs away to hide under the large table. I raise an eyebrow and gesture her to follow with my finger. She whines and trudges over to me before we both head down the hallway in search for the sulking winter spirit. 

I found him staring out of a large window with his arms folded. I smiled and floated over to his side. I leaned forward, my hands behind my back, and peered at his face. It was still red and he was sticking out his bottom lip.  

"Aww, what's wrong, Frosty?" I ask, pouting. He looks at me but then shakes his head and turns his gaze back to the window. I tilt my head. "You're not that mad are you?"  

"Hmph." He turns his back to me and I fold my arms.  

"Hey, don't blame me, do I look like a white shapeshifter to you?" I raise an eyebrow. "Hold it, you!" I snap, pointing at Light who was silently walking away. I hadn't moved my gaze away from the back of Jack's head. Jack looks at Light for a second before looking at the ceiling again. I sigh and rub his shoulders. "Come oooon, don't be mad..." I pout. He sighs and his shoulders go limp as I massage them. "It was just Light being the jokester she is." 

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