Chapter 24 Only Him (SMUT)

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WARNING, this chapter is a smut!

It's my very first one though so don't be too harsh on me eh? xD please let me know what you think of it in the comments!

Just remember, you have been warned, don't like lemons, don't read this chapter ;)


Seriously, like 14 and over, maybe older. It's a mature chapter (well, mature story more like) so seriously, DON'T READ IT IF YOU DON'T LIKE THESE KIND OF SCENES.

Sorry for the extra warnings, It's just that I've had two people complain (one of them being someone I personally know who didn't mean to upset me but unfortunately did) about these kind of scenes I write and it's interfering with my confidence in writing altogether. Sorry for sounding whiny guys, it's just that I'm embarrassed enough :(

There WILL NOT be any more scenes like this in this story, I promise :)

~Amber x


**Friendly POV**

I've never felt more stronger than I feel now. I've completed Cupid's training. Countless hours of physical torture has finally come to an end. I gave a heavy sigh and flopped down on the bed. Jack chuckled and leaned back on his elbows.

"No more training..." I breathed, putting my hands behind my head. Jack began to play with my white hair, running his hand through the soft waves. I closed my eyes with a content smile and crossed my legs.

"I couldn't be more proud of you." Jack says heartily. I opened one eye and returned his smile. I sat up and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug.

"I love you." I muttered into his chest. He rested his chin on he top of my head and held me close with his strong arms.

"I love you more. No matter what, you'll always be my little warrior." He whispers.

"Stop calling me a warrior." I chuckled, poking his chest playfully.

"Can't make any promises." He grins, nuzzling his cheek on my head.

We sat there in each others arms for a while, enjoying the comfortable silence. I eventually pulled away and grinned up at him before leaning up and pressing my lips to his. Our lips moved in sync, slowly and sweetly. After a few seconds, Jack parted our lips only slightly before colliding them again.

Only this kiss wasn't like all the other kisses we shared. Not like any of them. Our kisses were usually slow and gentle or sweet and passionate, but this kiss was different. It was hot and longing. It was desperate. It caused the butterflies in my stomach to swarm around in a messy tornado. My heart banged so hard against my chest I was sure he could hear it. I felt his cold tongue slide across my bottom lip, requesting entry. I didn't hesitate to let him in and once I did, his tongue was exploring every inch of my mouth, deepening the kiss. His hands seductively caressed my aching body, from my legs up to my neck.

I had never seen this side of Jack before. Despite his cold hands, his cold breath, his cold tongue, I felt incredibly hot under his cold touch. Only he could have this effect on me. I've never felt this way before.

My hands snaked up to the back of his head and fisted his white locks between my fingers. He groaned quietly as I gently tugged his hair, pulling him closer. I felt his hand on my waist and the other on my shoulder, gently pushing me down. I rested my head on the pillow as the kiss got deeper and more longing, until Jack abruptly pulled away, panting for air.

He hovered above me, his face full of concern and his cheeks an adorable shade of pink. All that could be heard was our heavy breath as we stared into each others eyes, until Jack broke the silence. "H-how far are we taking this?" He whispers nervously.

I bit my lip and turned my head away, shyly. "I-I...don't know..." I whispered so quietly I didn't think he heard it, but he did.

"I don't want to do anything you don't want me to." He says, gently stroking my cheek to comfort me.

I met his gaze again and stared into his striking blue eyes. They were so beautiful in the moonlight. The snowflake pattern in the iris always caught my attention. They were just so hypnotising. I soon realised that I was just staring into his eyes for quite some time and shyly turned my head away again. My cheeks burned. I wanted him, more than anything. But it was my first time, as it was his, and I was scared I might not be able to please him.

"I...I want to. I really do, but I...I'm just...I'm really nervous..." I stuttered, fiddling with my hands.

Jack smiled and gently kissed my forehead. "I know. I'm nervous too..." He said. I looked up to meet his gaze. His bright blue eyes stared down at me, his gentle smile comforting me. "But I want what you want." He says.

I smiled. Giving in, I gently brought his head down to whisper in his ear. "I want you."

Jack brought his head back up and stared back down at me. "You sure?" He asks, gently.

I nodded with a bright smile. "I'm sure. But I am nervous..."

He smiled warmly and gripped my hand in his, intwining our fingers. "I'll be gentle." He whispers in my ear.

He leans forward and gently kisses my neck, nibbling and sucking on the skin. I gasped when he found the sensitive area in the crook if my neck. He seemed to notice and payed more attention to that spot, licking and sucking with his cold tongue and lips.

I moaned softly, fisting his white locks between my fingers. His hands caressed my sides, sliding up to the back of my dress. He gently lifted me up as he unzipped the back. He parted his lips from my neck to pull my dress over my head and toss it into the floor. Then he gently pecked my lips and planted butterfly kisses along my jawline.

I wrapped my arms around his back as I pressed my warm body into his cold chest, his cold body cooling mine. I began to kiss his neck and nibble his earlobe. He moaned in response and nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. His moan caused my stomach to erupt in butterflies. It was such a beautiful sound and I wanted to hear it again. I wanted him. I needed him.

I grabbed the hem of his hoodie and slowly pulled it over his head. Then he took it from me and tossed it onto the floor next to my dress before leaning down and locking our lips again. His cold hand trailed down my arm, leaving goosebumps to rise at his touch. It trailed down to the hem of my black top and begun to pull it up. I parted our lips for a second to allow him to pull it over my head before connecting them again.

I felt both of his hands cupping my cheeks as he gently laid me down, his lips not leaving mine. My hands traced the new slightly defined muscles on his chest. I knew he was training with Charlie for me, but I didn't want him to change just for me. I love him just the way he is, tough guy or not.

A deeper blush flushed my cheeks when he reached for my shorts. He hooked his thumbs in the waistband and slowly slid them down my legs before discarding them next to our other clothes.

I shuddered when his cold lips began trailing kisses from my navel up to my neck. Jack's caresses and kisses felt so amazing, I'd think I was in heaven. I found myself unbuckling his belt as he reached behind me, nibbling and licking my neck. He unclasped my bra strap and paused, staring at me as if asking permission. In response, I held my arms up so he could take it off and toss it onto the floor.

His cheeks turned an adorable shade of crimson as he stared at my chest. My entire face was probably like a tomato by now. I returned my attention to his belt buckle and slid down his pants.

He leaned down and placed a sweet and gentle kiss on my lips before sliding his hand down towards my core. Before he reached it, my hands flung down and gripped his hand, making him stop cold. I bit my lip and squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to slow down my heartbeat. I was so nervous. Probably too nervous.

When I opened my eyes, Jack's gentle blue orbs calmed me. "You okay?" He half whispers.


He cupped my cheek and kissed my forehead. "Don't apologise." He whispered. I smiled nervously and let go if his hand. Once his hand was free, I nodded telling him to carry on. He nodded back and moved his hand down a little slower this time. He hooked his thumb through the side of my panties and slowly slid them down my legs. Once they were off, he tossed them onto the floor and his eyes traveled up and down my naked body.

My face burned and my heart was beating incredibly fast. I nervously bit my forefinger as Jack's gorgeous blue eyes wandered around my body.

"You're so beautiful..." He whispers. I stared into his eyes and smiled thankfully. He smiled back and leaned down, placing his hands either side of my head.

My hands wandered over his chest as I leaned up to kiss his neck. I tried to copy his own actions and licked and nibbled the skin, earning deep, raspy moans which made my heart skip a beat. My hands trailed down to his boxers and I soon found myself pulling them down his legs. He helped me get them off with one hand, the other supporting him as I kissed his neck, before tossing them onto the floor. I lay my head back down and saw that he was blushing just as much as I was.

We were now both naked.

He was so beautiful above me; he was like an angel. My guardian angel. I love him so much, I would rather die than be without him. He leaned forward and trailed kisses up my neck and along my jawline until he reached my lips where he kissed me with deep passion. When he pulled away he stared deeply into my eyes.

"You ready?" He whispered, nervously.

I nodded, my breath uneven. "I need you...please..." I begged. Jack leaned down and kissed me again before positioning himself against my entrance. I couldn't stop the giggle that forced it's way out of my lips when he did so. He raised an eyebrow and half smirked.


"Y-you're cold..." I giggled. He giggled along with me and kissed both of my cheeks.

Then he rested his forehead on mine and slowly pushed himself inside me. I dug my nails into his back, whimpering at the pain. He stopped halfway and panted for air. "I'm okay?" He whispered, stroking my cheek. I nodded.

"Y-yeah...g-go on..." I whimpered slightly. God, he was so cold! He nodded and continued until he was all the way in. We both gasped and shuddered slightly. "J-Jack..." I whimpered, my eyes squeezed closed.

"I'm sorry...I don't want to hurt you...never..." He strained.

"I-it's okay." I reassured. We stayed like this for a little while as I adjusted to his length.

"I-I'm going to move now...okay?" He whispered between breaths.

"Okay." I whispered, pulling him closer. He gently pried my hands away from his back, wincing a little, and put them above my head, intwining our fingers.

He slowly withdrew, before entering me again. I whimpered in pain, but somewhere, there was this slight pleasurable feeling which made my stomach tingle. I gasped as he withdrew and pressed into me again. The pain was slowly fading, the pleasurable feeling now out-matching it. He soon found a slow and steady pace, breathing his cold and heavy breath into my skin, raising goosebumps.

The pain was now completely gone. All I felt was pleasure and love. Love for him and him only. Everything else had completely left my mind. All I could think about now was me and him and this moment.

My grip on his hands tightened as I moaned his name over and over. He soon picked up the pace, placing messy kisses on my swollen lips. Raspy moans vibrated from his chest as we breathed each other's breath. I had never felt like this before and how amazing it was. Everything was just perfect.

"F-Friendly...ngh...I-I'm gonna..." He moaned, unable to finish his sentence.


We both screamed each other's names as we reached our climax. I felt the coldness rush through me, making me shiver. Jack collapsed on top of me, gasping for air.

We both just lay there, panting, unable to move. I ran my fingers through his hair as our breathing slowed down. After a little while, Jack pushed himself back up and cautiously slid out of me before collapsing beside me. Our fingers were still intwined on one hand.

"Wow..." Was all I could say. Jack smiled at me and leaned over to place a sweet, gentle kiss on my lips.

"I love you..." He whispered between breaths.

"I love you too..." I panted, rolling over to wrap my arm around him.

He pulled me close until I was laying on his cool chest and our amulets touched, softly glowing blue. He wiped a sweaty strand of hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear before kissing my forehead.

I can't remember how long we lay awake for. All I could remember is beautiful big blue eyes before my eyelids became heavy and sleep took over me, leaving me to dream about the beautiful boy beneath me.

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