Chapter 9 Heat

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Hey guys! Okay, first of all, sorry for taking so long to update, if you haven't noticed the chapters in this story are twice as long as The Friendly Ghost xD also, I'm a little pissed because of the app update. It's doubled all my chapters in my works and jumbled them up -.- even on the website! The doubled chapters have been made drafts though but they confuse me maaaan! And I'm scared to remove them because if it's like a temporary glitch or something I'm scared it might delete the uploaded chapters >-< has this happened to any of you? If it has please say so because it's really confusing me :S thanks!

Okay, on with the chapter!

~Amber x


Friendly POV

My eyes wandered around the training area, making me feel dizzy. It was so big, I had to turn around in a circle to look at the whole thing. I think my jaw was almost to the floor with how shocked I was. We were standing on a wide meadow which was sprinkled with beautiful pink and white daises. Surrounding us was four different sections. One section had many different sized trees standing tall, towering above us. Some had vines dangling from them and the different shades of green gave it a jungle-like feeling. On the second section I saw a long river glistening in the sunlight, surrounded by a few trees. I could hear the splashing of the waves and assumed that there was a waterfall close by. The third section was filled with rocky hills and small mountains which I assumed looked way higher when we were closer to them. The last section truly took my breath away. It was a beautiful rainforest with dark storm clouds above only that area. I could see and hear the rain falling down and bouncing off leaves and branches. The entire place was huge. When I looked up I saw a beautiful clear blue sky but when I looked in the distance I could see some sort of pink force field. It was rather warm here too which made me feel a little uncomfortable. Then I remembered Jack. I turned to face him and he seemed uncomfortable by the heat too. 

"Wow...this place is amazing..." Tooth breathes. 

"Cupid, how on earth did ya manage to find this place!?" Bunny asked, obviously enjoying the warmth of the sunshine. Cupid put his hands in his pockets and turned on his heal to face us.  

"It was mine and Mother Nature's own little private area." He says, thoughtfully. "We're in my palace up in the clouds if you were wondering. This place is surrounded by a protective force field which only I can break. Also, it looks a lot smaller from the outside." He said with a smirk. I couldn't help but give an amazed laugh. This place was beautiful, but I knew Jack wasn't enjoying the temperature.  

"Uh...Cupid? I appreciate everything you're doing for me here, but is there anywhere in here that's cooler?" I ask, linking my arm with Jack's. I saw Cupid smirk a little before shrugging. 

"Not really. Unless you'd like to stand in the rainforest the whole time." He says.

Jack grunts. "No, no. I'm fine out here. Besides, it's not even that hot." He smiles and winks at me. It was true. It wasn't hot enough to harm him, plus I knew there was no way in hell he was leaving me here with Cupid so I didn't argue. Cupid suddenly clapped his hands and smirked at me. 

"Right! Friendly, since I haven't seen you fight before, I'd like to get a better idea of what I'm working with, so how about you and I have a quick spar?" He says.

I raise an eyebrow. "Wha-r-right now?" I stutter. He nods and walks further into the meadow. I look at the other's and shrug before following him. They all walk over to the edge of the jungle section by the trees to give us some space without any protests. Light follows me but Cupid shoes her away. 

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