Chapter 15 Meeting The Half-spirits

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Hey guys! Thank you so much to all those who have read so far! ^_^ You make me happeh! But a bit of bad news, not that bad but not good news if you know what I mean I'm babbling aren't I? I'm going on holiday tomorrow from monday to friday and they have no internet access (I CAN'T FUNCTION THAT LONG WITHOUT INTERNET!) so no updates until I get back. But, I should hopefully have at least 2 chapters done for ya, since it's a god damn kiddie holiday and I'm being dragged along so I won't have much to do, and I can upload one on friday (if I'm not too tired from traveling) and then one the next day.

So if I survive, I'll post those chapters and may possibly have a drawing up on one of the chapter, I'll let you know if I do. So until friday, BAH BAIIIII! LOVE YA! xx

On with the chapter!

~Amber x 

Jack POV

The feeling of waking up with the one I love in my arms is probably one of the most amazing things I've ever felt. Probably because it doesn't happen often because she's always up and ready to go by the time I'm awake. I couldn't stop the corner of my lips curling up into a bright smile when I saw her face. She was so perfect. Despite the bandages. She always slept with an adorable smile on her face. I wonder what she was dreaming about? 

When I planted a gentle kiss on her nose she tightened her grip on my torso and nuzzled into my chest. It hurt just a little but not too much for discomfort. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head, breathing in her familiar scent. Snow and orchids. How I loved that smell. 

I hadn't realised that I had dozed off again until I felt something tickling my nose. I waved my hand in front of me and heard a giggle before I felt the tickling on my nose again. I forced my eyelids open and saw Friendly leaning above me, gently blowing puffs of air at my face. Once she saw my eyes open, she giggled and smiled brightly at me, showing her flawless teeth which were almost as white as my own. 

"Morning, snowflake." She greets, tilting her head. I smiled and chuckled as she rubbed her nose against mine before pulling back. 

"Morning, snow angel." I greet tiredly before stretching my arms out with a long yawn. "How long have you been awake?" 

"Around thirty minutes or so. You were talking in your sleep again." She giggles, this time giving me a cheeky grin. My expression fell into pure embarrassment.  

"Oh god...what was I talking about?"  

"Bunny." She giggles, covering her mouth. My eyes turned into two giant O's as I raised an eyebrow. She burst out laughing at my reaction and shook her head. "I'm kidding! You were talking about me, silly." She giggles, pecking my nose before sitting up and stretching, leaning back on her heels. 

I propped myself up on my elbows and rolled my eyes. "Don't do that..." 

"Sorry, hun." She sings, tilting her head and giving me a cute, innocent smile.  

"She-devil." I mumble. She raises an eyebrow and puts her hands on her hips. Crap, she heard that?  

"Who are you calling a 'she-devil'?" She snaps, her eyes narrowing.  

"Uhh...nobody...?" I smiled nervously. The next thing I knew, she was straddling me and pinning me down on the bed. She gripped my wrists and pulled them up to my head and leaned down until I could feel her breath against my lips. 

"Nobody, calls me a she-devil." She grins, mischievously.

I smirk and hook my leg around hers, rolling us over so I was the one on top. "Well, I just did." I grin, evilly.

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