Chapter 18 Back On Track

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3rd person POV

Two weeks had finally passed and Friendly was already training again. She begun training after nine torturous days of staying inside and recovering which went by agonisingly slow for her. Cupid's black eye had eventually gone and he tried his best not to feel intimidated by Friendly's lingering anger. Friendly still had two bandages remaining: one on her arm over the bite mark and one around her waist to cover the gash left behind from the fan. Those ones were taking longer to heal than expected, but they didn't seem to bother Friendly much. 

During the time she spent healing, she spent most of her time with Jack of course, watching movies, singing, teaching each other new songs on the guitar. Jack even once turned their extension into a winter wonderland so they could have a snowball fight because North wouldn't allow her to leave. She also spent time with Charlie: they talked about their current lives, played and sang together and Charlie even joined in with her's and Jack's pranks on the other guardians.  

However, usually an hour or two of every day, Jack and Charlie disappeared. Friendly begun to get suspicious as this was getting rather frequent but never found out why as Jack was remaining quiet about it. Light still took the form of a giant white wolf, but was now mostly in her half wolf half human form as she begun to get comfortable with being in that form around others. The other guardians visited as much as they could to check on Friendly but of course, they still had jobs to do and couldn't stay long. 

Jack was able to leave and spread winter, but Friendly had to sing from the workshop and try to spread her bravery as far as she could. She didn't have that many calls - only two but Light had to go and handle those which was agonising for Friendly because their connection broke in the process.  

Once Friendly begun training again, Jack and Charlie disappeared for longer than they used to, but Friendly didn't have time to investigate as she was busy training or too tired to when she returned. For the first four days, Friendly and Cupid continued with fighting techniques which Friendly got the hang of immediately. She eventually got better and better at it and perfected them better than Cupid could.  

Then Cupid decided to move on to other skills. Friendly wasn't allowed to fly during the battle and Friendly happens to fly quite a lot when she fights, so he had to teach her how to remain on her feet. He took her to the mountain section of the arena which is where she had to climb. 

"Wait, what? You can't be serious, I have to climb that?" She asks as she gawks at the mountain. 

"Yep. Mother Nature is at a disadvantage when it comes to climbing, so this could give you an advantage. You need to climb all the way to the top and then get down as fast as you can." Cupid explains. 

"Why as fast as I can?" 

"Because Mother Nature will obviously throw things at you in the process. Getting down is the easy part, just slide and jump, you'll figure it out when you're up there." 

Friendly groans but follows Cupid's orders. The first few times, Cupid timed her and she eventually got faster and faster at it, but then he kicked it up a level. 

"Alright, good. Now you've gotten the hang of that, let's put your dodging skills to the test." He says as he picks up his quiver filled with many arrows and slings it over his shoulder. "This is where you really need to pay attention to your surroundings."  

"Are you sure there will be places to climb there?" Friendly asks, scratching the back of her head. 

"Definitely." Cupid confirms before grabbing his bow and flying into the air. 

Friendly begins to climb the mountain and Cupid starts to shoot arrows at her, purposefully missing her the first few times so she could get the hang of it. Once Cupid thought she was okay, he started aiming properly. Friendly watched the arrows carefully and dodged them as she climbed. One arrow nearly caught her left hand but she let go and dangled on a ledge with her right hand as it hit the rock and fell below. Friendly didn't even realise how high she was until then and that in the arena she couldn't fly down if she fell. 

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