Chapter 11 Set-up

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And I am back! :D How do you like the new cover?? It took me forever but I finally did it! ^_^ If you want to see the full image then go here:

All my other stuff on there is a bit embarassing xD I'm not that into sonic stuff anymore now though :/ anyway, on with the chapter! 

Warnings: Blood, gore, violence and bad langauge!

~Amber x


Friendly POV

This scream wasn't like the rest. It was desperate. Pleading. This child must be incredibly afraid.  

I wasted no time, leaping out of bed and grabbing my boots. I also grabbed a thin, white robe that was hanging on the door before darting out the window and heading top speed towards the scream. Light was already out, flying at the same speed I was but just a little further ahead. I shoved on my boots and the robe along the way, quickly tying the ribbon around my waist in a tight bow. 

Eventually I landed in a wide street in a familiar City. The place was empty and dark with only the yellow glow emitting from the lampposts lined outside the road. The buildings were mainly apartments, the tallest being only five floors. I realised that this City is where Charlie lived. But I had no time to think about it when I heard the scream again. It was very close. I phased straight through a building and skidded onto the concrete road of the opposite street. A young boy was running towards me, tears streaming from his eyes. Chasing him was around ten black wolves growling and snarling. 

The boy ran straight through me and into the dark street, still screaming. I looked back at him and sighed. I'll have to find him and sing to him for quite a while once this was over with. 

I turned to face the wolves and glared harshly at them, making them skid to a stop in front of me. "How many times have we been through this, huh!?" I growled. Light shifted into the white blade and I happily took hold of her. "Honestly, ten of you chasing after one innocent little kid, what's wrong with you!? Have you no sense!?" I screamed. They just continued to growl at me instead of charging at me like they usually do. I raised an eyebrow and tilted my head.  

"Mistress...something isn't right. Maybe we should leave." Light sung, quietly. I shook my head. No way was I gonna let them terrorise even more kids. But Light was right, something was very wrong. My eyes darted from left to right as more piercing red eyes appeared from the shadows. I mentally counted them as they slowly stepped forward.

...forty eight...forty nine...fifty...

"Huh. That is quite a lot of you." I say thoughtfully, earning more growls. I narrowed my eyes and tauntingly spun the blade, getting ready to strike, but a harsh vibrating in the ground made me nearly lose my balance. 

I blinked a couple of times and watched as another pair of piercing red eyes made their way towards me. But the being they belonged to wasn't exactly like the other black wolves that dwarfed my height. 

This one was HUGE.  

It was as tall as the apartments surrounding us, making the ground shake with each step it took. It walked on it's two back legs just like the others. I took a step back. I had never faced something like that before. I closed my eyes tightly as it bent down and roared in my face, blowing my hair back. I stared back at it with wide eyes, darting them down to the razor sharp collection of teeth in it's jaw. 

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