Chapter 31 Mr and Mrs

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Six months later

Friendly's POV

I squealed as I tripped over for the hundredth time today. Luckily Tooth was there to catch me.

"Whoops!" She giggles.

"Tooth, I'm not wearing these. I can't even stand upright in them!" I whined as Tooth steadied me in the godforsaken high heels she was making me wear.

"You just have to get used to them! You'll be fine, trust me."

I gave a heavy sigh and took a deep breath before attempting to walk across the room again, only to trip over my own feet and face-plant the bed. "This is useless!" I groaned, my voice muffled. Tooth snickered and helped me stand up again, gasping when she saw my hair.

"Oh I'll have to start all over again!" She huffs, glaring at me as if it was my fault. I raised an eyebrow and raised my arms into a 'W'. I sighed and kicked off the awful high heels before sitting back down in front of the mirror whilst Tooth attacked my hair with a brush. I rested my cheek on my fist but Tooth pulled my head back up into place. "Don't, or you'll mess up your make-up." She warned.

I rolled my eyes and folded my arms with a huff. Today was the day, and so far it didn't feel like the best day of my life at all. Tooth was constantly nagging at me so I wouldn't ruin her 'masterpiece' which is currently plastered on my face. My eyelashes were darkened, if that was even possible, and enlarged with mascara. Not much could be done to my eyes due to the black circles around them, but that didn't stop Tooth from adding a few blue and white jewels in the shape of a snowflake in the corner of my left eye. My eyebrows were neatly darkened with an eyebrow pencil which framed my face and my cheeks had a pink tint to them. My lips were tinted a very pale pink to finish it off.

"You look beautiful." Tooth purred, once she had finished taming my hair back into place, the soft curls falling past my left shoulder. I couldn't help but smile shyly, the girl in the mirror smiling back. Tooth actually did a pretty good job. Baby tooth and her little companions swarmed me once again, chirping excitedly.

"Now for the dress!" Tooth sung as I slipped the awful high heels back on. The little tooth fairies gasped when Tooth brought out the dress.

(A/N: I did design the dress and if the computer was working I'd post it but I can't :/ so I spent forever searching through wedding dresses to find one similar and this one's pretty close so here you go. Just imagine the flowers are blue snowflakes and gems and a large snowflake across top I'll post the design as soon as I have my computer back :) )

I gulped as Tooth helped me step into the dress. She tied the white ribbon on my back into a tight bow before hovering away and cupping her cheeks with a wide grin. "Oh, wow..." She whispered. I bit my lip and turned to face the large mirrors spread across the wall. My eyes widened into shock, my mouth open only slightly. Nervousness began to sink in at the sight of me in my wedding dress. In a matter of minutes, I would be walking down the isle.

I didn't have much time to think about it as a knock at the door tore me from my thoughts. I stumbled as I tried to take a step towards it but Tooth stopped me and head out the bedroom to answer the door for me. I growled and kicked the heels off again, kicking them under the bed. Whilst Tooth was briefly out of the room, I quickly tugged on one of my black boots. As I was about to tug on the other one, the door opened and I held the boot behind me with an awkward smile as Tooth hovered in with Bunny, Sandy and Charlie.

Bunny was wearing a black tuxedo with a black bow he was constantly tugging at. Sandy was sporting a golden tuxedo and Charlie was in a black suit with a blue tie with his hair neatly slicked down. Bunny and Sandy gave me a huge grin whilst Charlie smiled with his eyebrows raised.

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