Xenon's database

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Character story 1

The "Primordial Human Project" is a bold endeavor aimed at crafting the ultimate synthetic being. This project was sparked by Rhinedottir's ingenious idea, which piqued Freyr's interest, leading him to join forces with her. Together, they delved into Khemia, an ancient art believed to breathe life into the inanimate.

Xenon's existence traces back to the ancient era of Khaenri'ah. He emerged as the first masterpiece of Rhinedottir and Freyr, a testament to their unparalleled alchemical prowess. His striking blond hair, deep blue eyes, and the distinctive star-shaped mark on his neck mirrored the visage of Rhinedottir, one of his creators.

While Xenon was hailed as a triumph, Freyr yearned to create another being, this time in his likeness. This ambition brought Y/n into existence, a second synthetic human. However, Y/n's creation was beset with challenges, leaving her with frail health and cognitive struggles.

Despite Freyr's quick dismissal of Y/n as a 'failure' and his readiness to discard her, Xenon stood firm against this harsh judgment.


"Father, you can't just discard her like a failed experiment," Xenon pleaded, his voice laced with desperation. "Y/n is more than just a creation; she's my sister!"

Freyr, leaning nonchalantly against a table cluttered with alchemical instruments, raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "Xenon...I admire your passion, but you're asking me to invest in a lost cause," he said, his tone light, almost teasing.

"She is NOT a lost cause." Xenon shot back, his fists clenched at his sides. "I know I can find a cure for her. I just need time!"

Freyr chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "You've really got a soft spot for her, don't you? It's almost... what's the word? Human of you." His gaze softened, and a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Alright, Xenon. I'll give you a chance. But only because I find your sheer determination amusing."

Xenon's expression softened, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over him. "Thank you, Father. I won't let you down."

"Of course, you won't," Freyr replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "After all, you're the pinnacle of our alchemical skills. How could you possibly fail?" He winked, turning to leave the room, his steps light and carefree.


As Xenon delved deeper into the realms of alchemy, his mastery blossomed—not just from a thirst for knowledge, but from a burning desire to mend Y/n's fragile condition. Y/n, with her gentle spirit and undeniable resilience, became the beacon of Xenon's existence, the sole purpose of his every endeavor.

Xenon sought mentorship from Rhinedottir, the master alchemist whose knowledge was unparalleled. His dedication was so intense that even Rhinedottir, who had seen countless apprentices come and go, was taken aback by the intensity of his commitment. Night after night, Xenon poured over ancient texts and experimented with countless concoctions, his focus unyielding, his resolve steely.

Rhinedottir, witnessing his rapid improvement, couldn't help but express her astonishment and admiration. "Your dedication surpasses even my highest expectations," she once remarked, a note of respect in her voice. She proclaimed him one of the finest alchemists she had ever had the privilege to instruct, a testament not only to his intellectual prowess but to the depth of his commitment to his goals.

However, in a pivotal moment, Xenon attempted an alchemical ritual to cure Y/n. The process backfired due to a critical misunderstanding of Y/n's unique nature, resulting in a catastrophic system overload in Y/n's core.

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