55 - when gods play mortals and confuses waitstaff

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Y/n strolled along the winding paths of Jueyun Karst, her steps light and her mind at ease amidst the natural beauty. The ancient stone spires and lush greenery of the region always brought a sense of tranquility, a welcome respite from her usual adventures.

As she walked, lost in thought, a sudden whoosh of air snapped her back to the present. Instinctively, Y/n sidestepped, narrowly avoiding a cryo-infused arrow that whizzed past her, embedding itself in a tree with a thud. Y/n's reflexes, honed over centuries, had not dulled in the slightest.

"Y/n jie jie? Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were walking in this direction!" called out a familiar voice.

As Y/n turned to see Ganyu, face flushed with embarrassment, and Cloud Retainer, floating beside her with an air of calm authority, Y/n's smile broadened.

"Oh Ganyu, always the sharpshooter. I should have made some noise, perhaps sung a tune or two to announce my presence," Y/n joked, her tone light and teasing.

Ganyu, still holding her bow, gave a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry, Y/n. I'm training with Cloud Retainer. She's really pushing my limits."

Cloud Retainer, hearing the exchange, drifted closer with her usual grace. "Y/n, it's a rare delight to see you outside of your teapot realm. A little bird told one that you've become quite the hermit."

Y/n raised an eyebrow playfully. "Says the adeptus who spends centuries in seclusion atop a mountain. "

Cloud Retainer let out a sound that was suspiciously close to a chuckle. "Hmph! Touché. But even a hermit must enjoy good company and tea from time to time."

With a wave of her hand, Cloud Retainer conjured a quaint tea set out of thin air, the porcelain glinting in the sunlight. They settled down on a flat rock, surrounded by the natural beauty of Jueyun Karst.

As they sipped the fragrant tea, Cloud Retainer and Ganyu listened with interest as Y/n recounted tales of her recent adventures and musings. In turn, Ganyu shared her progress with her training, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Xiao's sudden appearance, as always, was almost imperceptible, his presence as light as the wind. He stood with his usual stoic demeanor, his eyes softening slightly upon seeing Y/n.

"You've returned from your travels," Xiao remarked in his typically succinct manner. "How have these few years been outside of your seclusion?"

Y/n sighed dramatically, a playful glint in her eye. "Oh, Xiao, so much has happened. It's like I jumped out of a frying pan and straight into the fire of another universe!" She beckoned him closer. "Come, let me explain to you three."

Ganyu, Cloud Retainer, and Xiao gathered around as Y/n launched into her tale. She talked about discovering her Khaenri'ahn lineage, to which Xiao nonchalantly muttered, "I knew it."

Y/n then delved into the revelation of her being a synthetic creation, her eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and disbelief. "Apparently, I'm more of a science project than a person. Who knew?"

As she recounted her adventures in the Abyss, she kept the details vague. "Honestly, I've bumped into a few individuals who might just make the Archons look like rookies at a talent show."

Xiao raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "Are these individuals a threat?"

Y/n waved her hand dismissively, chuckling. "Oh, no. They're more like... eccentric geniuses with too much power and too little supervision. You know, the usual."

Cloud Retainer nodded sagely. "A common predicament among those who dabble in the mystical arts."

"And the best part?" Y/n continued with a wicked grin. "I've been working alongside them as colleagues. It's like being in a club for overpowered misfits."

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