Dahyun's Obligation

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Jeongyeon was hard at work at Yoo Industries three days later. While it had been nice being something of a bum since getting married, she couldn't just stay home and have sex with Nayeon all the time. She needed to do something productive outside of the house.

After a chat with her unnie, Seungyeon recruited her for a special project involving a new product their company was developing. It was Jeongyeon's job to make sure all their patents and trademarks were properly filed, which was her speciality since she was known for being meticulous when it came to the fine details. She had been at it for most of the day already, with a steady stream of legal analysts and assistants coming in and out of her office.

"Miss Yoo, here's that application from the trademark office you requested."

"Thank you So Hee

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"Thank you So Hee." Jeongyeon took the packet of papers from the young woman without glancing at her. She'd been trying to be on her best behavior around Han So Hee all day while also trying not to come across as a total jerk by ignoring her. It was a hard line for Jeongyeon to walk, but she couldn't afford for anyone to think for a second that she was interested in her legal analyst in any shape or form.

Although.......Jeongyeon had to admit, So Hee was certainly nice to look at.

"Is there anything else you need from me Miss Yoo?" So Hee asked.

"Um, no, I don't think so So Hee. Thank you," Jeongyeon said.

"If you don't mind, I'll head back to the legal department then. There are some contracts Miss Bae asked me to review, and I'd like to get started on them."

"Oh! I don't mind at all! Please, don't let me keep you from your work," Jeongyeon said in a rush. She felt guilty for possibly keeping the woman from something more important. "Please tell Irene that I take responsibility for keeping you so long. If there are any problems, she can contact me right away."

"It's fine Miss Yoo," So Hee smiled warmly. "I wanted to help. It's a big honor to work for you. I've been hoping for this opportunity for a while," she admitted shyly, cheeks tinted pink.

"Really?" Jeongyeon couldn't understand why. What was so special about working with her?

"Yes. Everyone know you're very thorough with our trademarks and patents. I'm glad I was able to witness you in action."

"Ah, I-I see...." Jeongyeon definitely felt flushed after hearing that.

"Um, anyway, I'll leave it to you Miss Yoo. Fighting!" So Hee cheered then rushed out of her office with quick steps. Jeongyeon felt like she could finally breathe again with her safely out of sight.

"What the hell was that all about?" she mumbled quietly. "I get a ring on my finger and suddenly women are coming out of the woodworks." It was partially true; women had been showing more interest in her lately. Or maybe she was finally paying attention to it for the first time in her adult life. Either way, all the attention wasn't good for her health, mainly due to her insanely jealous and vindictive wife. Nayeon would have a field day with So Hee.

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