Hangover Hobby Kit

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The harsh sounds of an alarm echoed loudly in the dark room as a figure fumbled blindly to turn off the incessant noise, groaning in protest as they did so. Their fingers finally made contact with the bedside clock and promptly shut off the noise. A few moments later a lamp flicked to life.

Nayeon rubbed at her bleary eyes. God how was it six in the morning already? Did she even sleep last night? Her first thoughts were of her lack of sleep followed by her pounding headache. She had drunk far beyond her limits yet again and was now paying for it. With a heavy sigh, she crawled out of her comfortable bed and trudged to the bathroom. A cold shower was just what she needed to shock her system. She shut her eyes tightly when the bright lights of the bathroom nearly blinded her.

"Shit," she groaned

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"Shit," she groaned. She glanced at herself in the mirror and frowned at the sight. Swollen eyes, bloated face, and terrible bed head. All the usual markers of her excessive drinking. She hadn't even bothered to change out of her clothes from last night either. Without a second of hesitation, she stripped off her blouse and pencil skirt, letting them fall to the floor. Her undergarments soon followed.

Nayeon stepped into her shower then braced herself for the cold water. No matter how many times she did this, she still wasn't used to the frigid temperature. Her hand turned the dial and a strong downpour of ice cold water fell on her skin, making her gasp as her body began to shake. There was no other choice except to power through the five minute shower. Once it was over, she immediately turned the dial to hot and reveled in the warmth that greeted her cool skin.

"Aaahh," she sighed in relief. The hungover woman got to work bathing herself, making sure to scrub every trace of alcohol from her skin, then moved on to her hair once she was satisfied.

An hour later, Nayeon was dressed and ready for her day. Her usual morning routine of working out then eating with her mother was out the window thanks to her hangover. As she walked out to her kitchen, the smell of something delicious caught her attention, making her pause.

"What the hell? Did I cook?" she asked herself. She didn't see any evidence of her cooking. The kitchen looked as spotless as it always did. Then her eyes fell on a small bottle next to a note on the counter. Curious, she picked up the note and began to read.

There's hangover soup in the fridge. Make sure to eat some and drink your medicine. You'll need it after drinking so much last night
– Jeongyeon

Nayeon stared at the hangover medicine then read the note again. Jeongyeon had been here? She looked around the room like she'd see the tall Korean woman suddenly appear.

"What the hell happened last night?" she mumbled. There was no sense in letting the medicine go to waste so she cracked open the bottle and downed the contents quickly. She went to her fridge and sure enough, there was a small container of soup on the shelf. She took it out and fixed herself a bowl. While waiting on her soup to heat, she tried to remember exactly what had happened at Sana's last night.

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