Chapter 1 (CharlieBabe)

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It was a sunny morning. Charlie had just woken up and was looking at Babe.

He must be tired after last night, Charlie thought


After the beautiful afternoon, the two couples (Babe with Charlie and Alan with Jeff) spent celebrating the fact that Jeff had just finished the university with the best grades, Babe was still thinking about what Charlie had said in front of Alan and Jeff accusing him of not being nice and sweet to him. So on their way home, he decides to ask him...

Babe: Charlie about what you said there...

Charlie: What did I say?

Babe: That I'm not sweet to you and I don't act like Alan...

Charlie was surprised that his boyfriend, the Pit Babe, was thinking of changing for him and becoming cute. At that moment he really couldn't help but giggle and smile widely and look at Babe with the greatest love.

Charlie: I wasn't necessarily serious. I'm not saying I don't like the way you treat me, but yeah, I wouldn't mind if sometimes you did something to surprise me, or just acted a little different, I don't know...

Babe didn't fully expect Charlie to want him to change on some points. He was starting to have all kinds of thoughts, and the last thing he wanted to think about was that Charlie would want to break up with him which he didn't want. He couldn't even concentrate properly on driving. Charlie could see the attitude his boyfriend had so he took his hand and told him

Charlie: I want you to know that I love you and will always love you, and that will never change no matter what comes between us! You are the one who makes me happy, who takes care of me, and who loves me. And if you think that our relationship as it is now does not satisfy me, you are wrong.

Babe was calmer now from Charlie's words, but he kept thinking that never since they'd met had be shown his soft, loving side to him.

Babe: I know you love me and of the two of us you're the only one putting all the effort into this relationship, so I was thinking maybe you're right. Maybe I should change and behave differently with you because, after all, you are my boyfriend and the one I love the most.

Charlie didn't even realize they were home because of Babe's words. He didn't want to wait another minute, not even a second...he pulled Babe and kissed him passionately.

Charlie: I don't even know what I did for you to be so...cute to me.
Babe: You don't have to do anything because I like you anyway.
Charlie: I love you!
Babe: I love you more!

The two continued to kiss until Charlie suggested they go inside since it was already late and he was a little tired from practicing with Babe on the racetrack that morning. But Babe had other plans :))

After they entered the house Babe stopped Charlie and picked him up and carried him to their room. Charlie was surprised but at the same time excited by his boyfriend's behavior. Charlie whispers to him:,, looks like mama got stronger. ''

That was the turning point for Babe. He knew what he wanted to do that night

Babe: Tonight I want to do it differently

Charlie: How? You don't like how I do it anymore?

Babe: I really like the way you do it and I always will but tonight... let me do it, papa

Charlie: I can't wait, mama

Babe starts kissing him and gives him a slow, but intense enough to get Charlie turned on, clothes down. Charlie doesn't give in and begins to undress Babe. Babe laid him on the bed where he began to kiss every part of her body, admiring it from every angle.
Babe: You are very beautiful, papa

Without realizing it Charlie had kind of started to blush, but at the same time, he wasn't ashamed to admit that he wanted Babe inside him as soon as possible.

Charlie: Mama, you can hurry up, I want you very much, but at the same time I'm very tired
Babe: Anything for my lover
So he doesn't waste any more time, opens the drawer, grabs the bottle of lube, and enters Charlie as quickly as possible. When he felt it Charlie didn't expect it to feel so good. He started moaning in pleasure and Babe kept thrusting and enjoying the moment.Soon they both came and Charlie was feeling exhausted so Babe took care of him to take him to the bathroom. After they were both dressed he tucked Charlie into bed and covered him with the blanket.
Babe: Good night, my love! giving him a kiss on the forehead
Charlie: Good night, P'Babe!
Babe turned and looked at the clock. It was already almost 3. She had to go to bed as soon as possible, for the morning she was going to surprise Charlie.

End of Flashback

Charlie slowly gets out of bed, gives Babe a kiss on the cheek, and goes to the bathroom to get ready.







What does Babe want to surprise him with? Will he succeed?...

Note: I hope you like this first chapter. As I said before I am waiting for any kind of suggestion or recommendation given the fact that this is my first time writing.

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