Chapter 13 ( PeteWay )

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Way pov

It was morning. I woke up in Pete's arms. I don't regret for a minute that I told him I liked him or that I had kissed him. That was the truth and I really couldn't ignore it anymore. I had slept so well in his arms. I felt safe and knew that Pete would never let me go.

I hadn't had the feeling of safety and protection for a long time after everything that happened. I thought that no one would ever love me or appreciate me the way I am. Until I met Pete and saw that he looked at me differently. He didn't look at me with pity.

I stood up and started to admire the beautiful person next to me. His closed eyes, smooth breathing, and his peaceful and very beautiful face fascinate me. I admire every detail of his face. I look at him with love and carefully kiss his forehead.

Pete slowly opens his eyes and smiles at me. He stretches out his arms in a gesture of stretching and I smile back.

Pete: Good morning, Way! Did you sleep well?

Way: Good morning, Pete. Yes, I slept very well. You?

Pete: Me too. I was happy to hold you in my arms all night.

I slowly hit him on the hand feeling embarrassed and ashamed.

Pete: Sorry... but I'm really glad we share the same feelings.

And he opened his arms wide and I felt myself deepen into his arms. We hugged tightly for a good few minutes, I buried my nose in his neck to feel his scent.

Way: And... what are we doing today?

Pete: I was thinking we'd go to breakfast in town and then maybe go for a walk or some shopping. What do you say?

Way: Sounds awesome! But first, let's enjoy some time together in bed. I feel very peaceful in your arms.

Author pov

The couple is in their bedroom getting ready to go out for breakfast on the town. Pete looked intently into his closet. he wanted to wear something nice, but also casual, but also wanted to look good in front of Way

Pete: What do you think I should wear today, Way? Do you think this shirt is good?

Way: I think you look great in everything. You should wear that shirt, I love how it looks on you. Do you think this shirt is ok? We match.

Pete: That's a good idea. That way no one will lay eyes on you. he says, winking at Way

Way: Oh stop it, you're too sweet.

When they get to Pete's favorite cafe for breakfast and order two coffees and croissants.

Pete: I like to spend mornings with you, like this, quiet and relaxed.

He reaches out and takes Way's hand in his.

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