Chapter 2(CharlieBabe)

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Babe sensed when Charlie, his boyfriend, left the bed so he got up quickly to prepare breakfast. It was the first time Babe made breakfast for Charlie because he didn't like to cook. He thought it was much easier to order, something that changed when Charlie came into his world because the boy always cooked for him. Not even knowing how to properly make an omelet, he decided to open YouTube to look for a tutorial and started preparing the eggs, hoping that it would work out.

Charlie had just come out of the bathroom and saw that Babe wasn't in bed sleeping. He wondered where his boyfriend had gone so he decided to go down to the kitchen. On the stairs, she could hear her boyfriend swearing and he was very angry, but he did not know the reason for this behavior.

Babe: Shia! I can't even do that! Everyone knows how to cook an omelet!

Charlie: Babe, what are YOU doing in the kitchen??!!

Babe: Good morning my love! I wanted to surprise you and make you breakfast, but my cooking talent is absolutely terrible. But I'm going to struggle until I get it right, so... wait for me here on the sofa.

Charlie was completely surprised by what he just heard. PitBabe wanted to cook for him. He started to laugh, but he instantly noticed how his boyfriend's face changed, being completely disturbed by the boy's behavior.

Charlie: I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself, but the fact that you want to cook for me took me completely by surprise.

Babe: I know I'm not good at this but I really want to try, for you.

Charlie: I know you're trying and I appreciate it, but at the same time I don't want you to get hurt or do something I know you don't like. If you want, you can help me cook together and in time you will learn to cook, if you want.

Babe: Thanks for understanding me, but I really wanted to surprise you today.

Charlie: I have an idea. You can cook, but I will sit next to you and give you directions and I will only intervene if you really need my help. What do you say?

Babe: Okay, perfect! That's how I make sure I won't set the house on fire and I can give you edible food.

The two went into the kitchen and Charlie immediately started giving directions to Babe. He was listening carefully because he didn't want to make a single mistake. Charlie noticed that Babe was tense so while Babe was focused on cooking he gave him a few kisses on the cheek encouraging him and whispering in his ear: "My boyfriend is the best and the most beautiful and prepares my breakfast''.Babe was honestly flattered by Charlie's words but had to stay in control of the situation. After he finished putting everything he had cooked on the plate, the two of them sat down on the sofa to eat. Babe eagerly awaited Charlie's verdict, looking into his eyes to receive any confirmation.

Charlie: You know it doesn't even look like it's your first time cooking! It's really good! You are the best boyfriend, saying that she starts kissing him all over his face.

Babe was feeling very happy. After kissing the little boy a few times they continued to eat breakfast quickly because Alan would scold them very badly if they dared to be late.


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy it!

(I will try to make longer chapters)

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