Chapter 12 (Babe Charlie)

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Babe pov

I had won the championship for the 8th time in a row. It was no surprise. Everyone was expecting it... and so was I. Even though I saw Charlie fight and give all his strength, I still didn't let him win 😝

Sonic and North did not accept any refusal from everyone. We had to go to the club to celebrate. Charlie had been feeling a little bad for a few days, but the joy and enthusiasm took him and he asked me to go with the rest because he felt good and didn't want to spoil everyone's mood. We entered the locker room to change to go to the bar with the rest.

Babe: I say let's go home. I know you told me not to tell anyone that you feel bad so you can participate in the competition, but now it's over. I don't want you to be sick more than you are. You know that I am a boyfriend incapable of taking care of you.

Charlie: P'Babe... I'm fine. Seriously. I just have a little headache. I promise that if I don't feel well, I'll tell you and we'll go home. But let's go so we don't spoil the mood for the others. Actually, we celebrate your victory.

Babe: And yours.

Charlie: But I didn't come out on top. I'm not the champion.

Babe: It doesn't matter. You came in second place and you are the boyfriend of the champion. Do you want something else? I said this with a wink and a kiss on the cheek.

Charlie: I know where you want to go, but we're running late and... I think you've had enough of what we did before the start of the race.

Babe: For me, nothing is enough if it's with you.

Charlie: Okay, now let's hurry because the rest is waiting for us.

We got in the car and drove to our usual bar where we all usually drank.

We all had a few drinks. North and Sonic as usual had already started talking and acting crazy. They were more affectionate with each other. I already saw them every day in sweet moments. But now it was too much.

Jeff and Charlie weren't that drunk yet, but Charlie's cheeks were very red. It quickly occurred to me that he had a fever. I didn't get close to him to check him because North jumped on him to take him to the dance. Charlie was not the type to dance, at least I had never seen him dancing since we met.

Charlie continues to dance with North and now with Jeff. Suddenly the DJ changed the song. It was a bit slower, but the movements that Charlie started to make to the rhythm of the music made me completely crazy. He moves so damn sensually. I don't know what was in his head to dance like that.

At first, I just stayed to admire it because that view was too beautiful. Until I saw several eyes fixed on my boyfriend from the surrounding tables, but also the boy who was dancing next to him looked at him persistently and sweetly.

Alan noticed that I was tense and my eyes were fixed on him. He had no stress. Jeff danced very awkwardly probably because he didn't know, he looked really cute. But Charlie had overcome every limit.

Alan: Why are you so tense, Babe?

Babe: Nothing, just looking at Charlie.

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