Chapter 5 (PeteWay)

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Intro: Way shot by Tony, but Pete noticed while everyone was crying next to him that he still had a pulse so he immediately asked Jeff and Charlie to call an ambulance. Pete took Way out of his arms and put him in the ambulance and everyone followed him to the hospital. They waited for hours in the hospital hallways waiting for an answer if Way was okay, given the fact that as soon as they arrived he was put in the emergency room in the operating room. After a long time of waiting they received an answer from the doctor:,, At the moment he is out of any danger. We managed to remove the bullet but he is still in a coma and the next 24 hours are critical'' I don't know whether to be happy because Way is fine or to be worried that there are chances for his condition to worsen. Pete, being an influential and rich man, talked to the hospital director to take the greatest care of Way. He returned to the people in the hall and asked them to go home and rest because he would stay there and would always give them a message about Way's condition. At first, Babe wanted to refuse, but Charlie asked him to go home because he too had been injured and needed rest. So Pete stays at the hospital with Way.

After 2 days

Way had not yet woken up but he was stable and well. The doctors had said that it was normal for him not to wake up so quickly. He stayed almost 24 hours a day by Way's bed as soon as he could enter where he was. Babe, Charlie, Alan, Jeff, North, Sonic, and even Kim sat for hours in the hospital waiting for any sign from Way or the doctor. In the evening, Pete returned to the hospital because during the day the others had asked him to go home and rest at least a little. He sat down by Way's bed and took his hand when he felt one of Way's fingers lift. When he looked at his face, his eyes had begun to open.

Pete: Hi! how are you feeling?

Way: I'm thirsty

Pete raised him a little on the pillow and helped him drink water. He immediately picked up the phone and informed the rest that Way had woken up.

Way: What... happened?

Pete: Tony wanted to shoot Babe and you protected him and got shot instead. You don't know how worried I was! I thought I lost you!

I can no longer control my tears and feelings. In one way or another, Way had occupied a special place in my heart and although it was hard to admit, I liked him and really cared about him.

Way: I... feel... sorry... I saw how he started to cry too. I knew what I did and how I betrayed everyone, so I thought that maybe if I did this they would forgive me...

Pete: But did you even think about me for a second?

Way: I thought no one cared about me anymore...

Seeing him crying like that broke my heart into thousands of pieces. I took him in my arms and hugged him tightly to my chest.

Pete: I care about you and...I love you!

Way started sobbing and crying harder at my words

Pete: But now calm down please and let's eat something because the others are sure to burst in here from moment to moment and I don't want you to run out of energy.

All the others came to visit him. Many tears were shed, especially from Way and Babe, but in the end, they all reconciled and Way began to accept the situation.

The next morning-Way pov

I woke up with some pains, but bearable. I saw Pete sleeping on the couch. Last night before everyone left, Babe whispered to me that Pete stayed with me every moment and hardly refused to go home for a few hours. I felt very good when Babe told me this, I remembered that Pete had told me a few hours ago that he loved me. I was afraid to give in to my emotions, but I lied to myself if I said that I didn't feel attracted to Pete. So I decided that maybe I should open my heart...

That's it for now(let's see how the relationship between the two will evolve)

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