Chapter 8 (Winner Dean)

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I'm very sorry that I didn't manage to update yesterday and during this day, but yesterday I took a very important exam, and now I'm preparing for another one, but I'll try to study as often as I can. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for every vote and comment! It means a lot to me and makes me want to keep writing for you! I didn't get to write much but I hope you like the beginning of my story between Winner and Dean.

Dean pov:

I was waiting for my sentence. I knew that I had been part of Tony's diabolical plans. I had been an accomplice and now I had to pay for it. I knew that I was not doing well, but he tricked me that he would make me the best pilot in the country. That was my weak point. All the time I was in the X-Hunter team, I was nothing but a reserve. Alan wouldn't let me compete because either he thought I wasn't ready, or there weren't enough funds to afford a new championship. When I had the opportunity to compete, Charlie had to stage his death, and Alan decided that no one would compete with him again. I was nervous and I felt unimportant and that set me off by making Babe follow me and reveal the fact that I was working for Tony. I felt very bad then. Alan was completely disgusted and so were the rest. I knew they would never forgive me. I went back to the Chen Mansion because I had nothing left now. Anyway, Tony had to stick to the promise. Everything was destroyed by Babe and the rest. I thought that one day that moment would come one day, but I didn't expect it now. The police took me as a suspect and I was waiting to be questioned. My day was already not bad as in the blood side, near for me it had to be Winner who was also waiting to be interrogated. I can't say that I hated him to death, but he was very annoying to me. He annoyed me at the height when I was part of the X-Hunter team when he tried to go to any race or meeting with us to take us into account and challenge us to a race, especially Babe. It was sad that he always lost.

I could hear him grumbling and he was not at all happy about being accused of any involvement in Tony's plans. This really bothered me but he amused me damn bad.

Dean: Could you please shut up? You're really pissing me off!

Winner: Mind your own business! Stop putting yourself where you shouldn't!

Dean: I didn't interfere and I don't want to, your business! But you really annoy me. You talk to yourself as if someone is listening! You look crazy!

Winner: Who are you making crazy?!

Dean: I didn't say you're crazy!! I just said that people will think you're crazy if you keep talking to yourself!

I took a deep breath and concentrated not to get angry. I didn't want to cause any kind of scandal in the police station and I certainly didn't want one with Winner.

Dean: Please, let's not make a fuss and behave like two civilized adults. I know we didn't understand each other well and I don't know if we ever will but right now I don't want to argue. I have more important things to do to think.

Winner: Do you think I want to argue with you? I have to find a way to get out of here.

Dean: And you found one? I want to get out of here too

Winner: I will state that I was pushed by Tony in exchange for some things. I was manipulated.

Dean: But between us, you kind of liked being Tony's right-hand man and following his orders

Winner: You're talking. You betrayed your own team. At least I was loyal and supported my opinion.

Dean: When no one can stand you and doesn't trust your abilities...but yes, in a way you're right

Then a policeman came to Winner to take him to question him. When he got up from his chair, he winked at me and said "Wish me luck!"

Then I realized that it was the first time we managed to have a fairly peaceful conversation. Maybe I didn't hate him... maybe even...

I hope you like it!

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love you all❤️

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