Chapter 10 (KentaKim)

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Kenta pov

Two months had passed since I had moved in with Kim. We had become closer and closer. He always helps me. He even made a list of jobs where I could get hired. He was now one of the pilots of the XHunter team. When the others heard from Kim that I was staying with him and trying to start from scratch and I was looking for a job, they offered me the chance to work with them. It was Babe who had convinced Alan that he might now trust me and maybe it would be a good thing to have me in their team.

 So we started to work there doing all kinds of things. On some days when he was freer, Jeff would give me pointers in mechanics. He had seen that I was a person who learned very quickly, which made his job easier when it came to checking the cars because now we both worked side by side. I still had a lot to learn but Jeff was patient with me and so were the others because I hadn't been able to open up well with them after everything that had happened. 

The one I talked to the most was Kim. Maybe because we were together or maybe because I started to like his company. I felt good around him but I didn't know if it was something for the moment just because I had lost all the people I considered important in my life. Every day I saw how Kim was nicer and nicer to me and behaved very nicely. Sometimes I didn't know if he did this because he felt like doing it or because he felt obligated now that he promised to take care of me and support me in everything I wanted to do.

Kim pov

I knew it would be hard for him to accept the feelings I had for him. I didn't want to make him think that I had any pity for him. No, I really liked him. I hated him at first because he was on Tony's side and because he had refused to help us catch him, but in the end, he was the one who put an end to this story.

 But since I had decided to help him, everything changed and so did my feelings for him. I saw how he tried to open up little by little in front of me and tell me what he had suffered. All the time I consoled him and even held him in my arms until he calmed down. I wanted to make him feel protected and safe and above all I wanted him to feel appreciated and loved. 

When I told him that Alan had accepted to work at the garage, he was very happy. Finally, I saw him smiling sincerely. In the evening, when we were returning from work, I could clearly see the enthusiasm on his face that he could help those around him.

For several days I noticed that he started to distance himself a little from me until one evening while he was sitting at the table he said to me:

Kenta: You know, Kim, I don't want to take advantage of your kindness, but I think I should move.

I felt that all my attempts to prove my love for him had failed miserably. I didn't even know how to react, but I had to make him not move.

Kim: Why!? I told you from the beginning that it doesn't bother me at all, especially since I don't want to be alone.

Kenta: I know that, but maybe it's better for both of us. I don't want you to feel forced to take care of me forever. I have already spoken with Alan and he will give me a sum of money for the hours worked so far and he will give me another sum of money in advance so that I can move somewhere with rent. I think I have already found a quite suitable place that is neither too expensive nor too far from the garage.

I was completely shocked. He had already talked to Alan about it and was already looking for a place to move. And I was the last to know about it? I couldn't believe it. I thought it seemed to me that he had been distant in the last few days, but it seems that he was. I didn't know what I had done wrong for wanting him to be away from me.

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