Chapter 17 (North Sonic)

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North pov

Sonic had finally decided that he wanted to follow his great passion for fashion. And I certainly supported him. We had started our relationship almost a month ago and there were still small insecurities, but otherwise, everything was going well. Now he didn't work at the garage anymore and my work days there had become a bit boring. Nothing had the same charm without him. But I was always happy when I went back to him in the evening and spent it together.

North: Hello! What are you doing? I greet him and go towards him to hug him

Sonic: Hey! It was pretty good. I'm a little tired. I had a photo shoot and it took a long time. But you? How's it going at the garage?

North: As usual. Everyone is preparing for the next race. By the way, you can come to the garage tomorrow, right?

Sonic: Mainly, yes. Why?

North: Well Babe and Charlie said they had something to tell us. Anyway, if you can't come, it's okay. I'll tell them you're busy.

Sonic: No way. I will come. You all are my family and once they called us all it must be important.

North: Okay. Now I'm going to change and prepare your meal. Did you eat anything?

Sonic: I haven't eaten. I was waiting for you.

North quickly changed and had me prepare something delicious for dinner.

Sonic pov:

North: So tell me how was the photo shoot today?

Sonic: That was good. I loved it. The outfits we wore for the campaign our company supports were beautiful. I took a ton of pictures with Alex. He is the sweetest of the whole team.

North: So who is this Alex?

You could see the reluctance with which North had asked me.

Sonic: A colleague from work. He has been working in the company for about 5 years. And he is very professional. The truth is that he behaved very nicely with me since I entered and gave me a lot of advice.

North: It's good that you get along with someone.

I was way too excited to show and tell North what had happened today that I couldn't notice the fact that he looked distant and a little disappointed.

Sonic: Let me show you today's pictures.

I walked over to the couch to get my phone and returned to it with excitement.

Sonic: Look, look. Here I was wearing the first outfit from the new collection. The one I showed you yesterday. Isn't that beautiful?

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