Chapter 6 (CharlieBabe)

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 Charlie was starting to get Babe's powers back. Several months had passed since he had not injected the serum to stop absorbing the powers. In less than an hour the race was going to start and he didn't feel well, especially since he was thinking about how Babe felt now that he was left without his powers again. He was in the locker, he was spinning around agitatedly, not knowing how to approach the situation.

 Babe pov:

 I had felt for a few days that my strength was weakening, but it didn't bother me anymore as long as I had Charlie by my side. I knew for sure that he was agitated and restless so after I went to check my car and his I entered the locker room where I found him spinning in circles like a puppy. I almost laughed but I saw him so tense as I never saw him again, not even at his first race after he had replaced me.

 Charlie: Babe...I don't think... I'll compete today. I... don't feel ready. My body was shaking and...

 I could see that it wasn't him and he wasn't feeling well so I didn't let him talk anymore and pulled him into a passionate kiss leaving not even a free millimeter between our bodies. We kissed for a minute until I broke the kiss and I said

 Babe: Can I help you, Pa?

 Charlie: It's no joke, Babe, I'm not well and I don't know if I'm able to compete. If I come in last place and disappoint you and the rest.

 Babe: I trust you and I want you to too because you had the best, most beautiful, and capable coach, right? So stop being stubborn and let me help you. Can Mama help Papa?

 Charlie smiled and whispered in her ear  "Of course mama!"

 Then I pulled him to kiss him with passion and lust. I knew he absolutely needed me. I quickly gave him the white blouse, and he immediately made his way to my back with his hands to take off my shirt. While we continued to kiss, he jumped on my lap and broke the kiss to say: "Mama, I want you to do it. That night I could not evaluate your performance properly because I was tired. I want you now and here"

 Hearing this I couldn't resist anymore. I leaned him against the counter next to the sink and left kisses on his bare chest. I heard him start moaning with pleasure. I slipped into the pants area, unzipped his zipper with my mouth and I took them off very quickly. Now it was no longer quiet in the locker, Charlie's moans of pleasure could be heard anywhere. I felt Charlie trying his hardest to get my pants down so I immediately took them off and turned to face the mirror in one movement.

 I saw him turn his head and whisper "fuck me please". I pointed my dick into his hole with precision and I inserted it. Charlie let out a moan of pleasure. We kissed more and more passionately. I realized that soon we would both reach the climax. I heard Charlie say between moans"Yes... I want your hot cum inside me.." I pushed and pushed until we were both released Charlie was breathing hard and looked exhausted but happy.

 Charlie: good it was...

 Babe: What grade does mom get?

 Charlie: ten out of ten. Thanks, Babe I feel better now!

 Babe: See what I told you

 Author pov:

 The two got dressed and went out on the track to prepare for the race...




(A KentaKim chapter is coming up)

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Stay tuned!

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